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I list this here because it is often useful. But: use it moderately if at all.

Counter-FUD is often employed as part of spin. For example, if the FUD is ``this Linux stuff is great for hackers but I wouldn't run my business on it'' (the FUD being that Linux is unsuited for ALL business uses), one way to ``spin'' this is to use Counter-FUD. For example, ``well, maybe, but did you hear about how Microsoft is scared Linux is going to drive them out of the server market? It was in all the computer magazines last week!'' (the FUD being that Microsoft may not be a major player in the server market in the near future). Note that counter-FUD must be employed rarely, if at all. Remember, you must appear calm, impartial, and factual at all times when battling FUD, and a lot of counter-FUD makes you appear, well, partial.
