Golden Triangle Support Group
Event Calendar

October 15, 2005
Texas Ataxia Picnic

The Golden Triangle Support Group of the National Ataxia Foundation will host the Texas Ataxia Picnic in Vidor, Texas. People with hereditary ataxia and their families will gather together for a day of socialization, doorprizes, raffle, and fun. Meet other ataxians from all across Texas. For additional information, please call 783-3003 or send e-mail to for further details.

TIME: 11 a.m. - 'til
PLACE:Raymond Gould Community Center
Vidor, Texas


Traveling East (from Houston) I-10, Take the Denver St. exit (861C)and follow the access road to Gould Park.

Traveling West (from Orange) I-10. Take the Vidor exit, then loop under the under pass, remain on access road to Gould Park.

Once you are at Gould Park, the Community Center will be the green and white building next to Interstate.

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