
Rated: R

This movie contains adult content, language, and nudity.

Varsity Blues

Type: Sports Drama

Rating: ** (out of 5 stars)

Jon Moxon (James Van Der Beek) plays the A-student and backup quarterback of his high school's football team, the West Canaan Coyotes. The Coyotes' coach, Bud Kilmer, has 22 divisional championships and is intent on winning another one this year. After the Coyotes' quarterback Lance Harbor is injured, Jon is forced to take over, and leads the team to victory. Jon becomes extremely popular, and must deal with Lance's old girlfriend, who now tries to seduce Jon, while hanging on to his old girlfriend. He also must keep his friendships together and hang onto his scholarship from Brown University while also dealing with coach Kilmer, who will stop at nothing to win his 23rd divisional championship. Altogether, this movie isn't that great. It pretty much glorifies sports/jocks, there's a fair deal of pretty pointless nudity, and a few of the events that take place are pretty far-fetched. It does very little to place itself above a standard athlete-glorifying or coming-of-age movie.