
Rated: R

This movie contains adult content/language, drug use, and some sexual content.

Dead Man on Campus

Type: Comedy

Rating: ***1/2 (out of 5 stars)

Josh Miller, an honor student who has a scholarship to Daleman College, begins his college career trying to study very hard. However, his roommate, Cooper, convinces Josh to relax and enjoy his college years. Josh parties a little too much, and near the end of the semester, he and Cooper are on the verge of failure. Josh, desperate to keep his scholarship and stay in college, finds a line in the college's charter that says if a student's roommate kills himself, then the student receives a 4.0 for the semester (because the emotional shock from the roommate's death will be extremely difficult to cope with). So, Cooper and Josh go out to find a suicidal roommate before the semester is over. This leads them through some odd adventures. This movie, despite the odd plot, has plenty of funny parts. The humor is a little simple... nothing sophisticated, and, although it's pretty funny, it's not incredibly original. It's still worth seeing, though, if you're looking for a comedy movie.