Other Movies That You Might Want to Check Out
I'm not aiming to list movies that everybody has seen... Here, I'm listing ones that stand out as something different.

1. The Fifth Element: In this sci-fi movie set hundreds of years in the future, the world is threatened by a Cosmic Evil that will destroy the world unless the weapon known as the Fifth Element can be combined with the four other elements to stop it. Although the plot isn't the best, the special effects are pretty cool, there are some bizarre, almost cartoonish characters, and the movie's vision of the future is also pretty nice. It's not the greatest of movies, but it's different and interesting.
2. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: One of my favorite all-time comedies. Steve Martin, who plays a businessman, is on his way home to Chicago for Thanksgiving. However, due to a snowstorm, his plane is forced to land in Wichita, Kansas. Martin meets John Candy, who plays an annoying salesman, and the two try to make their way back to Chicago in time for Thanksgiving dinner. It's pretty entertaining.
3. Repo Man: A really bizarre sci-fi comedy about a teenager named Otto who becomes a repo man. When a $20,000 reward is placed on a Chevy Malibu that has something green and glowing in the trunk, Otto goes out to find it. This movie hardly makes any sense, but it's pretty funny and entertaining to watch.
4. Ninja Scroll: If you like Japanese Anime, you'll probably like this one a lot (I'm not really a fan of anime, but I did enjoy this). It's based around a ninja named Jubei who tries to stop a plot to overthrow the government. There are plenty of cool characters, monsters, and fights to keep you interested. By the way, Ninja Scroll has a sequel, but it sucks.
5. Gattaca: This movie is based in the future, where a person's fate in life is determined by whether or not he is genetically enhanced. Natural-born people are doomed to a life of rejection and more simple tasks, while the engineered (called "valids") usually live great lives. This movie focuses around Vincent, an in-valid who strives to journey into space by joining the Gattaca Corporation as a navigator (a job usually reserved for valids). Vincent must use all sorts of tricks to hide his true identity. Definitely a different type of movie, it's pretty worthwhile.