
Rated: R

This movie contains graphic violence, very strong language (lots of racial slurs, too), nudity, sex, and rape. I would say that it borders on an NC-17 rating.

American History X

Type: Drama

Rating: **** (out of 5 stars)

"American History X" is about a man named Derek Vinyard (Ed Norton), who was formerly an active racist and was sent to jail after murdering two black men who tried to break into his car. He is released in the beginning of the movie, and has reformed his ways since being put in jail. Once out, Derek finds that his younger brother Danny (Ed Furlong) has begun to follow in his footsteps. While Derek tries to change his brother's ways and avoid a confrontation with his old racist friends, the movie goes into a number of flashbacks about Derek's past experiences with racism. I don't want to spoil the rest... Anyway, this movie gets four stars because it's very powerful, but it lapses into occasional scenes that are almost unbelievable, and its strong content may turn some people away.