
Rated: R

This movie contains sexual humor and adult content. If you take a little kid to see this, you'll regret it afterwards.

Type: Comedy

**** (out of five stars)

"There's Something About Mary" begins in 1985 where a high-school nerd named Ted (Ben Stiller) stops a bully from tormenting a retarted young man named Warren. In return for helping Warren, Warren's sister Mary offers to take Ted as her date to the senior prom. When Ted gets caught in his zipper, however, his plans are cancelled. 13 years later, Ted begins to wonder whatever happened to Mary, so he hires a detective, Pat (Matt Dillon) to track her down. When Pat finds her, he immediately falls in love. He lies to Ted about Mary, saying that she's now overweight and wheelchair-bound, and then pretends to be a Harvard graduate in order to get her attention. Ted later finds out about Pat's lies, and then goes to find Mary himself.

This movie would have to be the best comedy of 1998. Although its content may disgust some viewers, it's original and absolutely hilarious. I would say that it's a must-see comedy.