
Rated: R

This movie contains violence and language. It's really nothing that you won't see in a PG-13 movie.

Type: Action

Rating: ***** (out of 5 stars)

"The Matrix" is definately one of the best science fiction movies I have ever seen. The plot goes something like this: In the near future, a computer hacker named Neo (Keanu Reeves) discovers that all life on Earth may be nothing more than an elaborate illusion (called "The Matrix") created by an intelligent race of machines for the purpose of keeping humanity under control while the electromagnetic energy given off by our bodies is harvested to fuel the machines' domination of the real world. He joins rebel warriors led by Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and Trinity (Carrie Ann Moss) in their fight to overthrow the Matrix. I gave this movie five stars because not only are the effects great, but so are the fights (the main actors had to go through months of martial arts training to perform their stunts). The story is pretty original and intriguing, although it's kinda far-fetched. The actors (except Keanu Reeves -- although he does better than normal) do a great job as well.