
Rated R

This movie contains adult content and adult language.

Office Space

Type: Comedy

Rating: **** (out of five stars)

Directed by Mike Judge (the creator of "Beavis & Butthead", "Daria", and "King of the Hill"), "Office Space" is an original and funny comedy about a computer programmer named Peter who works at the Initech corporation. Peter, along with his coworkers Amir and Michael Bolton (who gets lots of crap about his name) are forced to endure constant stress every day at the office, especially at the hands of their evil manager Bill Lumbergh. Their stress builds when the company hires efficiency experts who begin to downsize the company. One night at a stress-reduction hypnosis session, Peter watches his therapist die of a heart attack. Now realizing that there is more to life than slaving away in a cubicle day after day, Peter begins to take an extremely relaxed outlook towards his job, often skipping work and yet somehow impressing the efficiency experts by listing everything wrong with his job. The "experts" promote Peter to management while firing most of his hardworking coworkers. Peter and his friends then plan to get revenge on the company, but things don't go as planned. Since this movie comes from Mike Judge, I was expecting it to be filled with mindless humor, but I found it to be witty, funny, and entertaining throughout. If you're looking for a different kind of comedy, be sure to see this one.