
Rated: PG

This movie contains little language or adult content. It is suitable for all ages, however I doubt small children would understand it too well.

The Truman Show

Type: Comedy-Drama

****1/2 (out of five stars)

In this movie, Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey), who works at an insurance company in the paradise town of Seahaven, has been filmed 24 hours a day, for his entire life for an extremely popular TV show without even knowing it. Everyone in his life are paid actors, and the island town that Truman lives on is a gigantic set. The show, which is a multi-billion dollar project, is run by a man named Christof (who adopted the unwanted Truman as a baby and used him for the show) who is determined to keep Truman from discovering the truth about his life. However, as time goes on, Truman begins to notice more and more bizarre things going on in the huge dome that he lives in. To discover the truth, however, he must overcome his fear of water that began when he was young and saw his "father" drown in a boating accident.

I gave this movie four and a half stars because although it is very clever, entertaining, well-acted and somewhat funny, it starts off somewhat slow and there are a few boring parts. However, I would recommend it to just about anyone.