
Rated: PG-13

This movie contains violence and adult content. I would not recommend it for very small children.

Type: Action

*** (out of five stars)

In "Tommorow Never Dies", the 18th James Bond film, Bond has to stop a money and power-hungry man named Elliot Carver. Carver owns a huge media company, and, using his own personal army and high-tech weapons, is able to create news stories himself. His ultimate goal is to trouble relations between Britain and China to the point of war. He then plans to fire a nuclear missile at Beijing while making it seem like Britain's fault; meanwhile, since he has manipulated everything himself, he will broadcast the best coverage of the developing situation. Furthermore, in the resulting chaos, he hopes to place one of his associates in power in China. His associate would then give Carver broadcasting rights in China, which is the last major country to not allow Carver's media program to enter. Bond, of course, gets mixed up in this issue, and stops Carver before his diabolic plans cause World War III.

In "Tomorrow Never Dies", there are some good actions scenes and the plot & acting are all right, but, it's yet another formulatic action movie with the hero and his female assistant trying to save the world from the bad guy.