::: U P D A T E S :::


16th July 2000 - Jaja aka my cyber neesan finished the 3rd chapter of IP! What's IP you said? Well check out the written site for the meaning! :p ... also I eventually got over my laziness & added new fanart! It's in my Arts Abode site...hehe actually, I'm not lazy (Hanamichi :Yeah, right!!) just that I dun have time to update, sat all! :)


2nd July 2000 - Reformatted my poems' page with one new poem! :) Poem lovers! Check it out, ne!


1st July 2000 - Added 14 new Cuties owners!!!! WOW!! the number is gradually increasing! >_< Also updated the ficcy site with one new Slam Dunk fic! :)


26th May 2000 - Added 7 new owners who adopted my Cuties! :)


25th May 2000 - Hey!!! *waves* Written site updated... AGAIN! >_<


18th May 2000 - Check out the written site for updates! One new SD co-ficcy! :)


10th May 2000 - Virgo finally made me a RuHana piccy!! Check that out in the Arts Abode, gift section! Also wrote two new ficcies. Go to written site for those!


1st May 2000 - Received two new awards from two wonderful webmasters! >_< Check out the mix section! Also updated the arts abode section with one new fan art from Slam Dunk! :)


20th April 2000 - New Slam Dunk fic in the Written section and I signed up for a brand new personal forum! Post all your comments, ideas or whatever you can think of (no flames!) ^^


18th April 2000 - Finished editing the mix section graphics and link back to my old awards and Jap Dictionary sites! :) Also added one new award from Athene -Chan's Voltron /Anime Webpage! I was received in March but I forgot to upload it. Gomen ne.


11th April 2000 - Again! Totally revamped my site! Changed the layout ... ehehe but old contents! :p


31st January 2000 - Changed my e-mail addy to lavangell2@mailcity.com. Eudoramail seem to be having a slight problem.  I'm sorry if I have not reply to some of your mails. Gomen ne! Please send them again. Also updated the art gallery. I renamed it again to Arts Abode and change the link to my main page instead of my Yu Yu Hakusho page. Created a non frame version of my arts site, due to a special deman. Added alot of new arts, guest arts and I received my first gift from Mak! Thanks!! ^-^ Now you have two options whether to view the page with or without frame! And oh, yeah! I've drew three pages of my on-line Slamdunk doujinshi especially for the incoming Valentine's Day and two pages of my original manga! Check that out in the non frame version site k!


2nd January 2000 - Happy NEW MILLENNIUM everyone!! Hurrah! Created two new awards for you to win! I won two more awards myself! ^-^ Thank you. Added 5 guest arts in the fan art page.


29th December 1999 - I'm fed up with crosswinds server so I've transferred my arts and profile sites to Xoom! Added two original arts in the fan arts page!


24th December 1999 - Redesigned my art page! I changed it to frames, so it'll be much more easier to navigate. Hope so! Also changed the name from Itch hands to plain fan arts. Added a few new fan arts and three new guest arts!


23rd December 1999 - Received my first award from Everything Anime. The  'Award Of Excellence'. I'm so happy!! Yey! Thank you Cybergig1!


16th December 1999 - Revamped Cuties again! I'm gettin' bored of the old layout *sigh*. Added a whole bunch of names and links to the owners list!


9th December 1999 - Added new arts both original and fan arts in the Itch Hands corner.


5th December 1999 - Uploaded lotssa new original and fan arts. Also, I changed the layout for Itch Hands.


1st December - Added part II of Fellings? in the new, revamped fan fiction page. 


26th November 1999 - Fixed the links page, added mad angel's Profile and a counter from Jelly counter.


24th November1999 - I'm nuts! Totally and insanely nuts. Can you believe it that I renovate this site again? I dunno wuz wrong with me. I got bored so easily and walla! Here's the new look! I guess this is 'version 3' huh? But still...'bleah', the contents are the same as it was before.

16th November1999 - Added this updates site. Added a new fanfic entitled ' The Not So Real Version Of 'Beauty And The Beast' " Say... do you think I can finish this one? Why don't you bug me a little, that way I could get my lazy bum to get to work sooner.  I also added a new Poll! The Bishonen Poll!


14th November - I've been accepted in the Bishonen *Swoon* Webring! Cool eh!


11th November 1999 - Change everything concerning the decoration of this site. New looks! added the Itch hand (fan arts), fan fictions, Japanese dictionary site, C U T I E S, links and counters.



Animes Characters ©1999 their respective rights holders, none of it is mine. Written stuff, graphics and animation©1999 Luv Angel. This fan site is purely for entertainment purposes only, and in no way is it intended to make a profit