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Virtual Places

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Virtual Places is chat software that allows you to talk in realtime mode using any page on the internet for a background. While using the software you can send private messages or participate in the general conversation on the page. Each page has a maximum number of participants, depending on how the page was defined. It can be from 15 people to any reasonable limit, usually no more than 40. The newer version of VP (2.1) also allows the transfer of files including Avatars between participants. This is done by using the right mouse button and clicking on someones avatar on the page. Also available in Virual Places are Gestures. Gestures can be a combination of pictures, text and sound and are pre recorded. Gestures are stored on your hard drive and executed from a menu. You can always see the text from someone elses Gesture, but you can only hear the sound and see the picture if you have the Gesture installed on your PC. Gestures should be used sparingly, they slow down the discussion and movement on the web page (which is also called LAG).


Virtual Places software is used by Exicte (as "Talk") and Ziff Davis (as "Chat"), you can download excite software HERE!!! The download pages have instructions for loading the software, as well as FAQ on how to use the software.

Once you get the software loaded and get into "Virtual Places" look me up, I go by MrHugs, I use all the chat software. I will help any way I can to make your stay in "Virtual Places" a good experience. Enjoy my page and I hope to see you in "Virtual Places".

What Are Avatars ?

Avatars are designed to be used with Chat Software called "Virtual Places". The Avatars are your alter ego and should be used to represent your personality, mood or just for fun. This web page is designed to help you use Virtual Places. You can find various help screens, chat pages, and avatars. Use the Avatars to represent yourself while using the chat software. You can have as many avatars as your PC has room to store. Just use the menu's in the frame on the left side of this page. See the Avatar Webring below for other Avatar Galleries available for Virtual Places

If you are trapped in frames from someone else's web page, click
HERE to break out !

Thanks for visiting MrHugs and Friends Homepage The The avatars you find on my pages are free for anyone who wishes to use them. Please do not post any of these pictures to other web sites! Thanks! I spend many hours searching for pictures to make these Avatars, I do not take them from other avatar galleries. I created all of the avatars that are located on the pages that are linked from this one except for those that have been marked with the creators names. These images are presented Free and should not be offered for sale or charge to anyone. If an image has been displayed here and you feel you are the legal owner of the Copyright the image will be removed on request, as soon as proper legal ownership has been established, and you can identify which specific images are in violation so they may be promptly removed. These images are provided solely for use by Virtual Places Chat users for their enjoyment. Proper credit for each work is provided if the original author is known. For more information on copyrights and their use see the US Copyright Office webpage.

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This site is a member of National Group Rides And Designated Drivers' "Link Around the World"
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Last Updated on: 05/6/98

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click on pic to get your own cute frame.

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