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Bald Related links
The Bald Man Website
is one of the best sites I saw dedicated solely to baldness. It's something for
those people who truly are interested in the facts. It includes other things too...
The Bald
Man's Links: Instead of stealing this bald man's links, which would be
degrading since he worked so hard in finding all these hair loss links, I decided to point
you in the direction of a whole bunch of links.
Other Stuff that is Way more FUN!!!
The Gallery of the
Absurd is a really weird place where they have a collection of weird but
real advertisements, labels, and signs.
The Eye of the Beholder
guy has his own website which is pretty cool, he has a collection of various comics . . .
Really nice
a website about two guys, Simon and Milo, who are lost in time and must find love.
It has some sounds you can download, games to play . . . Pretty fun.
Driveways of the Rich
and Famous is a website with pictures of a couple hundred driveways of the
rich and famous. Also includes interviews with the gardeners and other dudes who
ever walked on the property.
"People who I am related to or at
least know" 's sites
Korner is a site about Igneto Man, a cross between a fridge and an
18-wheeler, who is a comic strip hero. My brother is the creator of the strip and
Land is my sister's site about nothing . . . Just kidding, it's about
herself, her likes and so forth.
Steve Mohundro's
Site is my cousin's site about himself, family, resume, school, life . . .