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TCCFA Zoom Talk and Board Meeting

Sunday March 9, 2025 - 7:00 PM

We invite everyone to our Presentation and Board Meeting on Sunday March 9 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Our Guest Speaker will be Larry Hannant, author of Politics of Passion: Norman Bethune's Writing and Art (among his many other writings). He will be offering a talk about Jean Ewan. Among westerners in China, Jean Ewen knew Bethune better than anyone. She travelled with him for five months, across the Pacific beginning in January 1938, then on a marathon exodus from south to north China, pursued by the Japanese air force and army for much of it.

The two shared gruelling hardships, among them trekking on a mule caravan carrying medical supplies to the Eighth Route Army in Yan'an. The pair also shared exhilarating highs, notably conversing with Mao Zedong through a long night immediately after their arrival at the remote headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 5551 6204
Passcode: 340009

Year of the Wood Snake - New Year Event Jiaozi Party
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 4:00 or 6:30 pm

This is our seventh year at Downsview United Church (2822 Keele Street, a couple of blocks north of Highway 401. Just north of Wilson Avenue. There is free parking).

It is traditional to serve jiaozi at Chinese New Year. Join our celebration near the end of the year of the Wood Dragon and near the beginning of the Year of the Wood Snake. The actual date of the New Year celebration is January 29 - February 15, 2025 , the new moon. Jiaozi is the Chinese word for dumpling(s).

Our recipe includes ground pork, ginger, cabbage, scallions and salt and sesame oil. A spoonful of the mix is wrapped in rolled noodle dough, many spoonful sin many wrappers, sometimes artfully, sometimes not quite so nice. Boil until just tender and serve steaming hot with a mix of vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and optional hot bean sauce (to ban djinn). Come at 4:00 pm to help prepare the jiaozi. If you have not done so before, you will find it fun to work with others in the kitchen while learning how jiaozi are made; if you are experienced, you can show others.

You are most welcome to come and just dine at 6:30 pm. This will be a very pleasant afternoon and evening. It has been our best event of the year.

A great event for children. Bring your family, friends, and guests. Do join us!


We have found a restaurant for the 2023-2024 TCCFA AGM Meeting! It is an old favourite - the Sky Dragon, the same location as the 2021-2022 meeting. The restaurant is located at the Penthouse (280 Spadina Ave, southwest corner of Spadina and Dundas Street). The meal begins at 6:00 p.m on Monday May 13 followed by the TCCFA AGM Meeting to begin no later than 8:00 p.m.

The price of the meal is based on Table of 10 people. Harry who were thankful negotiated the fabulous meal and the restaurant owner need to know how many tables of 10 to prepare appropriate quantities by May 9th. The meal cost per person is $35 dollars. The TCCFA Board will subsidize each member $10 dollars. The total cost is therefore only $25, including taxes, gratuities and parking!

Best Regards,
Warren Bethune

TCCFA Zoom Talk

Mar 3, 2024 - 7:00 PM

The United States, Canada and China have the 3rd, 4th and 5th volume of fresh water on earth. We thank Professor Emeritus Stevan Harrell for presenting his Zoom Talk entitled Chinese Prometheans (Dams).

Stevan Harrell is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington where he taught for 43 years. His field research was in Taiwan and in the mountains regions of Sichuan. His most recent book is An Ecological History of Modern China published by the University of Washington Press in 20023. He lives in Bellingham, Washington where he is active in local environmental politics and hopes to write a history of local farming.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 9696 9865
Passcode: 133036

Invitation to the TCCFA Year of the Wood Dragon New Year Jiaozi Party!

This is our seventh year at Downsview United Church, located at 2822 Keele Street (a couple of blocks north of Highway 401, just north of Sheppard Avenue). There is free parking. You can also take TTC Bus 41 from Keele Station (Northbound) and Finch West (Southbound).

It is traditional to serve jiaozi at Chinese New Year. Join our celebration celebrating the end of the Year of the Rabbit and the beginning of the year of the Wood Dragon. The actual date of the New Year is February 10, 2024 (the new moon).

Jiaozi is the Chinese word for dumpling(s). Our recipe includes ground pork, ginger, cabbage, scallions, salt and sesame oil. A spoonful of the mix is wrapped in rolled noodle dough, many spoonfuls in many wrappers, sometimes artfully, sometimes not quite so nice. Boil until just tender. Serve steaming hot with a mix of vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and optional hot bean sauce (to ban djinn).

You can come at 4:00 pm to help prepare the jiaozi. If you have not done so before, you will find it fun to work with others in the kitchen while learning how jiaozi are made. If you are experienced, you can show others. You are most welcome to come and just dine at 6:30 pm.

This will be a very pleasant afternoon and evening. It has been our best event of the year. A great event for children. Bring your family, friends and guests. Reservations are required so that we can purchase enough ingredients!

đź“·To reserve your ticket(s), call or e-mail Michael Copeland at 416 271-1164 or michael-copeland@rogers.com. Reservations are accepted until Friday January 26.

Our Annual Fall Banquet returned on Monday, October 2 at Asian Legend Restaurant. Thanks to everyone who attended and enjoyed and evening of good food and better company!

Thanks to everyone who attended our presentation on September 17, 2023.

Title: Canadian Friends and the Chinese Society

Theme: The speaker discussed her interpretation of the close relations between the Western missionaries and the modern Chinese society, based on years of her research and publication.

Speaker: Yan Li

Yan Li had worked as a freelancer, instructor, and translator in Beijing, China, before coming to Canada in 1987. She started teaching Chinese culture, history, literature, and language at Renison University College, University of Waterloo, since 1997. She is currently the Director of China Studies Center, engaged in promoting cultural exchanges between Canada and China. Yan is a creative writer and professional translator and has published 16 books in English and Chinese. She has won a number of national and international awards in Canada and China, and was invited as a keynote speaker at more than 100 events.

May 15, 2023

We have found a restaurant for the 2022-2023 TCCFA AGM Meeting! We will dine at the Asian Legend, 900 Don Mills Road (between Eglinton Avenue East and Lawrence Avenue East). This was the location of the 2019 TCCFA AGM Meeting.

The meal will begin at 6:00 pm followed by TCCFA AGM Meeting (to begin no later than 8:00 pm). The restaurant will provide a provide room exclusively for the TCCFA dinner.

The meal cost is $50 dollars. The TCCFA Board will subsidize each member $10 dollars. Therefore, the total cost is $40 including taxes and gratuities and Parking!

We thank everyone who attended our Zoom meeting on Sunday, April 23.. Dr. Alfred Chan spoke about the book he wrote on the life of Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: Political Career, Governance, and Leadership, 1953-2018 is the first comprehensive and detailed study of Xi Jinping's entire life history and political career. It synthesizes a large corpus of cutting-edge research with original archival material to offer new interpretations into Chinese politics, the rise of China and its implication for the world.

Dr. Alfred L. Chan is Professor Emeritus at Huron University College, Western University. He obtained his PhD at the University of Toronto and is a long-term research affiliate with the Asian Institute at the Munk School. A political scientist and China expert, he has taught and researched about China for more than four decades.

We wish a very happy Lunar New Year to all! It’s the Year Of The Rabbit. The rabbit is believed to be the luckiest of the 12 animals to be born under and considered to be a gentle animal that thinks before acting. The Year of the Rabbit represents peaceful and patient energy.

Invitation to November 6, 2022 TCCFA Zoom Talk

Topic: Chinese Restaurant Post Cards
Time: Sunday, November 6, 2022 7:00 PM

Kyle Joliffe will be talking about Chinese Restaurant Post Cards. Kyle Jolliffe is a long-time member of our Assocation. He has a strong interest in Chinese culture and history, and has visited there many times. His hobbies include playing chess and collecting vintage postcards of New York City.

Topic: TCCFA Chinese Restaurant Postcards
Time: Nov 6, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


The TCCFA Annual Banquet will be returning on Monday, October 3! The Sky Dragon Chinese Restaurant Penthouse in downtown Toronto has cordially agreed to provide a sumptuous meal. We hope to see you there for 6:30 PM. Please RSVP by September 28.

Invitation to September 11, 2022 TCCFA Zoom Talk

Topic: Confucius and Lao Zi for Today
Time: Sunday, Sep 11, 2022 07:00 PM

Wei Djao has just had her book the 2nd edition p A Humanist Path: Ancient Chinese Wisdom for Curious Walkers published.

Confucius and Lao Zi (active around 500 BCE) were the originators of the two major philosophical traditions in China, Confucian and daoist. They formulated their viewpoints without any claim to divine or supernatural revelations, and without any invocation of religious authority. They simply proposed ideas they thought were essential for people to live by as individuals, in society, and in this world, without the guidance of any religion but instead with that of a humanist philosophy.

Wei Djao was born in Shanghai and grew up in Hong Kong. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Sociology, specializing in China Studies, from the University of Toronto. She taught Sociology and Global/Asian Studies in the United States, Canada and Hong Kong. She has published scholarly articles and books on the Chinese people and Chinese civilization.

Sunday, May 15th Zoom Talk with Dr. You-Zhi Tang

The Toronto Canada-China Friendship Association is pleased to be able to offer a presentation by Dr. You-Zhi Tang. His topic will be Landfill: Alternative & Proactive Strategies and Innovative Technologies for the Air, Land and Water both for Landfill and Land Use, and Some Examples of China's Practices and Initiatives.

Dr. You-Zhi Tang is an internationally recognized cleantech and sustainable development expert. He has served in a number of leading Canadian engineering and environmental companies and is now the Chairman of Canada China Technology Exchange Hub. Dr. Tang has a strong academic background, successful corporate experience, and many years of international cooperation activities and community volunteer contributions.

Topic: TCCFA Talk
Time: May 15, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Canada-China Focus presents:
Canada at a Crossroads on China “Work Together or Perish Together” featuring Noam Chomsky

In aiming to “develop and launch a comprehensive Indo-Pacific strategy” and strengthening ties to the US, the Trudeau government has signalled its intent to join US-led war preparations in the Asia Pacific and provoke China. Join world-renowned linguist and lifetime anti-war activist Noam Chomsky in a webinar to consider the pitfalls of closer alignment with the US empire, and why diplomacy and working with China are the only option to meet the global challenges ahead. Either “Work Together or Perish Together”.

One of the most cited scholars alive, Noam Chomsky is considered a founder of modern linguistics and has published over 100 books, including his recent “Requiem for the American Dream.” Noam Chomsky has been an anti-war, anti-capitalist activist for over 60 years and continues to call to account liberal elites for propping up inherently unjust systems that have brought us to the brink of climate catastrophe and nuclear annihilation. Noam Chomsky taught linguistics at MIT from 1955 to 2017 and is currently a laureate professor of linguistics at the University of Arizona.

Friday, February 4, 2022
1pm Pacific/4 pm Eastern


This event is presented by Canada-China Focus, a new pan-Canadian, anti-racist project that aims to promote critical conversations and policy initiatives on Canada-China relations. Canada-China Focus is a joint initiative of University of Victoria’s Centre for Global Studies and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.

The Toronto Canada-China Friendship Association is pleased to be able to offer a presentation by Dr. Xiaolin Wei entitled "Discussion of implementation science and how this is utilized in clinical trials in AMR, TB, Diabetes and Covid?"

Topic: Implementation Science and Clinical Trials
Time: Feb 6, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 860 0052 3796
Passcode: 685452
One tap mobile

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keieMYIo36

The Toronto Canada-China Friendship Association was pleased to be able to offer a presentation by Cathy Walker from Simon Fraser University on the topic: China's Workers and Unions, building understanding and solidarity between China's and Canada's workers and unions. The speakers' information can be found: https://www.sfu.ca/labour/about/people/advisory-committee/cathy-walker.html

The Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries held a webinar celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. TCCFA president Warren Bethune is one of the speakers.

Click the link for more details: https://federation.tripod.com/BeijingWebinar.html

On Sunday May 30, Dr. Yuan Zhang from McMaster University will give a talk on the Covid -19 Vaccine, Dr. Zhang is an experienced Health Economist and epidemiologist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. He is skilled in Epidemiology, Molecular Epidemiology, Economic evaluation, Evidence-based Medicine, Biostatistics and Stata. His Ph.D. focused on Health Research Methodology from McMaster University.

The Toronto Canada-China Friendship Association was pleased to be able to offer a presentation by Sharon Wang from York Universities' Osgoode Law School at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the topic: Current Application of AI in the Legal industry and its Challenges. The speakers' information can be found at https://www.osgoode.yorku.ca/faculty-and-staff/wang-sharon .

Time was allotted for both the presentation and Q and A which followed.

2021 marks the Year of the Ox in Chinese astrology and begins on February 12, the first day of Chinese New Year. As the second animal in the Chinese Zodiac, the ox is known for their strength, determination, diligence and dependability. We hope everyone is able to mark the occasion both happily and safely.

Louise Hawley Stone Chair of Chinese Arts, ROM

Ancestor Portraits and Prints in
Traditional Chinese Households

Sunday, November 22. 7:30 pm


Chinese culture is rich in customs, traditions, and beliefs. Families commemorate their ancestors through worship in major festivals like the Chinese Lunar New Year. This talk will introduce a range of ancestral images from painted portraits to mass-produced prints, commonly found in traditional households during the periods of late Imperial to early Republican China. The talk will consider the visual functions of ancestor worship and its importance beyond serving as ritual objects for average Chinese families.

Dr. Cheng received her Ph. D. in the History of Art at the University of Michigan, with a specialty in pre-modern Chinese painting. She is the Louise Hawley Stone Chair of Chinese Art at the Royal Ontario Museum, and Affiliate Associate Professor in the Department of East Asia Studies at the University of Toronto.

At ROM, she co-curated a major exhibition, the Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors in 2014. She was the main contributor to the catalogue accompanying the exhibition held at Berlin 2017-18, Faces of China: Chinese Portrait Painting of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1912), which includes the loan of over 40 Chinese portrait paintings from the ROM. Last year she co-curated another exhibition, Gods in My Home: Chinese New Year with Ancestor Portraits and Deity Prints. The exhibit features a selection of ancestral portrait paintings and popular prints that traditionally were part of lunar New Year observances and celebrations in Chinese households.

Jeff Zhang, Director, Ontario Chapter,
Canada China Business Council

Sunday, October 25. 7:30 pm


CCBC-Leading Voice in Canada China Businesses

The Canada China Business Council (CCBC) is a bilateral non-profit organization with seven offices in both Canada and China. Founded in 1978, it has been the leading voice of Canadian businesses in China for over 40 years. CCBC is the voice of the Canadian business community on issues affecting Canada-China business, trade, and investment.

Jeff Zhang is the Director of CCBC’s Ontario chapter. He has many years of international experience in the private, public and non-profit organizations. Prior to joining CCBC, Jeff worked in establishment and operation management at a Sino-Foreign joint venture company and in strategic partnership management at a Fortune 500 multinational company

Jeff has an MBA in marketing and international business from Concordia University in Montreal. He is fluent in Mandarin and English. He has also been a guest speaker at professional business associations in China and Canada.

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office

2:00 pm, Sunday, March 1, 2020

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Room 5150
OISE, 252 Bloor St. W., at the St. George subway station

We thank Emily Mo for her very insightful presentation on Sunday, March 1. The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) is the official representative of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China in Canada. HKETO Toronto opened in 1991, before the 1997 transfer of Hong Kong from Britain to China.

Hong Kong became a British colony after Qing Dynasty signed an unequal treaty with Britain, ceding Hong Kong Island at the end of the First Opium War in 1842. In 1860 the Kowloon Peninsula was added after the Second Opium War. Britain leased the New Territories in 1898. That lease was for 99 years, from 1898 to 1997.

Since 1997 Hong Kong has been a Special Administrative Region of the PRC. Macao, which was transferred from Portugal to China in 1999, is another.

Emily Mo is the Director of HKETO. She joined the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in 2001 as a member of the Administrative Officer Grade. She worked in a long list Departments and for Commissions within the HK government. She took the post of Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Toronto in December 2018.


New date to be determined

This is our sixth year at Downsview United Church , 2822 Keele Street, a couple of blocks north of Highway 401. There is free parking. You can also take TTC Bus 41 from the Keele Station.

It is traditional to serve jiaozi at Chinese New Year. Join our celebration the end of the Year of the Dog and the beginning of the Year of the Rat. The actual date of the New Year is January 25, the new moon. Jiaozi is the Chinese word for dumpling(s). Our recipe includes ground pork, ginger, cabbage, scallions and salt and sesame oil. A spoonful of the mix is wrapped in rolled noodle dough, many spoonsful in many wrappers, sometimes artfully, sometimes not quite so nice. Boil until just tender. And serve steaming hot with a mix of vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and optional hot bean sauce (toban djian).

Come at 4:00 pm to help prepare the jiaozi. If you have not done so before, you will find it fun to work with others in the kitchen while learning how jiaozi are made; if you are experienced, you can show others. You are most welcome to come and just dine at 6:30 pm. This will be a very pleasant afternoon and evening and it has been our best event of the year. It's also a great event for children so do join us!

The organizers of a photo exhibit have asked us to extend their invitation to the event celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. The exhibit will be at 2:00 pm, Sunday, December 15, at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, 5183 Sheppard Avenue East. There is no charge!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ontario Institute of Studies and Education
Room 5150, Bloor and St. George

We thank everyone who attended our event on Sunday, December 2. Scott Davidson is the Parks Canada Site Manager at the Bethune Memorial House in Gravenhurst. Scott has visited China a number of times and seen countless museums. His talk was titled Birthplace to Burial Site.

Bethune Memorial House was the childhood home of Dr. Norman Bethune, a man who was recognized as a figure of National Historic Significance in 1972. “Bethune is the most famous Canadian in the world, but his fame lies almost exclusively outside Canada,” explains site coordinator Scott Davidson. “He’s best known for his role in China, where he provided medical care during the Chinese war with Japan, but Bethune should be better known in Canada for his medical advances and commitment to health care here.”

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ontario Institute of Studies and Education
Room 5150, Bloor and St. George

Yan Li is Director of the Confucius Institute at the Renison University College, University of Waterloo (since 2007), and Coordinator of the Chinese program at the Dept. of Culture & Language Studies. Yan is a creative writer who has published books both in English and Chinese languages. She has won several national and international awards. Her major works include Daughters of the Red Land, Lily in the Snow, Married to the West Wind, The Deep, The Lambs of Mapleton, and Faith Fears No Distance.

She will talk about her recent book, Faith Fears No Distance: dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Norman Bethune’s Medical Team to China, a book published in 2018 by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House.

The book has two parts.

Part one, The Last Love Letter by Norman Bethune, was a winner of the 1st prize for Shanghai Journalism Award, describes the discovery of the only photo in the world of Norman Bethune with Mao Zedong, which was hidden in Canada for 76 years and Yan Li’s interview of Bill Cecil-Smith.

Part two, Green Mountains Everywhere, describes the pilgrimage journey to north China where Norman Bethune worked and died in 1939, and stories of a few Canadian missionary doctors and nurses who worked with him, including Dr. Richard Brown, Dr. Robert McClure, Ms. Jean Ewen, and New Zealand missionary nurse Kathleen Hall. This work was the winner of People’s Literature Award in China in 2018.

TCCFA's 2019/20 season opened with our Annual Fall Banquet at Asian Legend restaurant, 900 Don Mills Rd. just south of Lawrence Avenue. Thanks to everyone who joined us, including the Consul General Han Tao.

To live up to their motto of "Northern Flavours with a Traditional Style", Asian Legend continually hires reputable mainland Chinese chefs to fine tune and perfect theirr offerings for the enjoyment of their growing customer base. Asian Legend's decor blends Western modernity and traditional Chinese motifs, which provides diners with a comfortable yet nostalgic setting for their dining experience.

Annual General Meeting

Monday, April 29, 2019, 7:00 pm

Dim Sum King Restaurant, 421 Dundas Street
South side, between Spadina and Beverly, 3rd floor

SEAN CHEN presents
Eating through the Garden of Contentment

Sunday, April 7, 2019, 2 p.m.

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), Rm 5150
252 Bloor Street West, at the St. George Subway Station

Sean (Jy-Shyang)) Chen is a research scientist and engineer working in medical imaging and devices for computer-assisted medical procedures. He has a lifelong interest in food and Chinese cuisine. It is from these interests that he found out about the Suiyuan Shidan (Recipes from the Garden of Contentment).

He taught himself to read classical Chinese in order to translate it section by section while he was studying for a PhD in biomedical engineering. His posts his translations and other scholarly works on Chinese cuisine on his blog: www.wayoftheeating.wordpress.com .

Suiyuan Shidan is Manual of Gastronomy, a classic 18th century cookbook by Qing dynasty poet Yuan Mei. Sean Chen’s translation has been published; you can find it on his website above. The bilingual book introduces Chinese culinary philosophy as well as famous dishes. Sean Chen’s talk will be on the story behind the translation and what things one can learn about Chinese gastronomy and Chinese cuisine from the work.


Sunday, March 7, 2019 - 2:00 PM

OISE Building, Room 5150
Bloor and St. George
Toronto, Ontario

On Sunday, March 3, at OISE, 2:00 pm, room 5150, we were pleased to present Dr. Shen Chen, Vice President and Senior Curator, Royal Ontario Museum. He is the Bishop White Chair and is responsible for research and management of nearly one million of the museum’s renowned collection of art and culture.

Born in China, with a degree in archaeology (Wuhan), an MA from Tulsa and a PhD from the University of Toronto. Dr. Chen is eminently qualified to speak on the topic Navigating Cross-cultural Collaborations: Cultural Exchange via Museum Exhibition between China and Canada.

Year of the Pig
Saturday, February 9, 2019 - 4:00 P.M or 6:30 P.M.

Downsview United Church
2822 Keele Street (north of Highway 401)
Toronto, Ontario

This will be our fifth year at Downsview United Church. Last year forty people came, made jiaozi, and dined on them. Downsview United Church is at 2822 Keele Street, a couple of blocks north of Highway 401. If you drive, there is free parking. Or you can take TTC Bus 41 from the Keele Station.

It is traditional to serve jiaozi at Chinese New Year. Join our celebration the end of the Year of the Dog and the beginning of the Year of the Pig. The actual date of the New Year is February 5, the new moon.. Jiaozi is the Chinese word for dumpling(s). Our recipe includes ground pork, ginger, cabbage, scallions and spices. A spoonful is wrapped in rolled noodle dough, many spoonsful in many wrappers, sometimes artfully, sometimes not quite so nice. Boil until just tender. And serve steaming hot with a mix of vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and optional hot bean sauce (toban djian).

Come at 4:00 pm to help prepare the jiaozi. If you have not done so before, it’s fun to work with others in the kitchen while learning how jiaozi are made; if you are experienced, you can show others. You are most welcome to come and just dine at 6:30 pm.

This will be a very pleasant afternoon and evening. It has been our best event of the year and a great time for children. Do join us. Tickets are only $10.

Reservations are required so that we can purchase enough ingredients!

A Culinary Journey Through Toronto Chinatown
Sunday, November 18, 2018 - 2:00 P.M.

OISE Building
Bloor and St. George Street, Room 5160
Toronto, Ontario

Professor Chef Leo Chan spoke about the art and culture of regional Chinese cuisine. Those who attended were transported back in time to experience food memories intricately linked with successive waves of immigration in the current Toronto Chinatown scene. The talk explored the ever-growing Chinese food community. It is a journey in search of lotus roots, the culinary roots sprouting from rich and ancient traditions to modern Chinese cuisine for the next generation of food lovers.

Does he look familiar? Yes, as he had numerous media appearances as Guest Lecturer, Television and Radio Guest Host on Breakfast Television, City TV, CTV Canada AM, Telelatino Network, Fairchild TV, CHIN Radio, OMNI TV, Canadian Chinese Media Network WOW TV and much more!

Building York University’s Markham Campus


Our meeting this Sunday, October 28, at OISE is cancelled.

The Doug Ford government abruptly cancelled three university campuses, including York University’s Markham Centre campus. The Markham Campus was to have been the subject of Dr. Rui Wang’s talk on Sunday at OISE.

Dr. Wang wrote:

"With the unexpected announcement from Ontario Government tonight to cancel 3 University Campuses, including Markham Centre campus, I cannot deliver my talk about Markham Centre campus on October 28 until all unanswered questions are answered. Sorry for this unfortunate late notice.

Monday, October 15, 2018

900 Don Mills Road, south of Lawrence
Toronto, M3C 1V6
(416) 443-8880

TCCFA's 2018/19 season opened with our Annual Fall Banquet at Asian Legend restaurant, 900 Don Mills Rd. just south of Lawrence Avenue. Thanks to everyone who joined us, including the Consul General Han Tao.

To live up to their motto of "Northern Flavours with a Traditional Style", Asian Legend continually hires reputable mainland Chinese chefs to fine tune and perfect theirr offerings for the enjoyment of their growing customer base. Asian Legend's decor blends Western modernity and traditional Chinese motifs, which provides diners with a comfortable yet nostalgic setting for their dining experience.

On Sunday, July 29, TCCFA and the Toronto Hakka Conference organized a talk by Shiu Loon KONG. We thank all of our guests who came out for this very insightful presentation. We will see everyone at our Annual Fall Banquet and convey our best wishes for a very relaxing summer.

Dr. Kong is a University of Toronto Professor Emeritus who received his PhD from the University of Ottawa. He designed the Canadian pavilion concept of Expo 67 with Marshall McLuhan and Harry Parker. With Trudeau, and others, he formulated the concept of Multiculturalism and citizenship education. He helped to engineer the diplomatic relations between China and America, and between China and South Korea, and is currently engaged in the Reunification dialogue of North and South Korea.

Professor Kong combines a truly outstanding insider’s knowledge of recent Canadian history, and of events in the Far East.

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