Re: True fan means...

Posted by Elle (ETS) on August 06, 1996 at 15:11:17:
In Reply to: True fan posted by Ramirez on August 02, 1996 at 12:55:35:
A real fan knows the following VIP characters (all deceased)-- Tessa, Darius, Fitzcairn, Kalas, Mi Ling (sp?), Hideo Koto (sp?).  And that the writers have changed some history along the way. Ex: In Freefall, Mac tells Felicia that his katana was given to him by a clansman (a later flashback tells a different story).

I think what Ramirez meant was, go play in the kiddie pool & don't waste download time w/stuff that can be answered within the Highlander homepage or by watching the early seasons.

