Promenade Directory
web ring

why I made this web ring

The reason why I made this web ring is to let web masters who have excellent star trek pages spread the word about themselves!

Qualifications to join this web ring are....

To become a member of the Promenade Directory you must meet certain qualifications. I also have the right not to except your site as a member if it doesn't meet those standards.

1. The site must be about Star Trek, no Loony Tunes or Star War sites just Star Trek.
2. The site must have the web ring code on it's main index page or main web ring page.
3.Your site must not be just a page with three links and a picture.
4. The content of the site needs to be original. Your page needs to have some feature that makes it stand apart from all the other thousand Star Trek sites.
5. All images and links should work. It just takes a few minutes each month to check all your links.

Click here to join

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This Promenade Directory Web Ring site is owned by:Jerry Mannor

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