...A grain seed is close to the earth...

Alexander Volenski


This is the 'LINK' center.

Volenski's page: The 'home site' of all pages and LINKS.
Empathic Expressions: The 'home-site' of the empathic-series.
N. Europe: The Viking Age.
N. Europe-2: Side 2 of the N. Europe tape.
Japan: The Land of the Rising Sun...
Japan-2: Side 2 of Japan--Land of the Rising Sun.
Mesopotamia: The land between 2-rivers, Babylon and the Ancient's.
S. America: The high Andes & Amazon Peoples/Myths-Legends.
S. America-2: Side 2 of the tape.
Rome: The Empire of conquest.
Rome-2: Side-2 of the tape.


Empathic Expressions: Egypt; (P)(C)1997 A. Alexander Volenski


Ok...this is a continuation in a series of tapes, that I'm going to do on
world mythology and legends, 'Empathic Expressions'.

As I go through some of the mythologies in different countries, different
races, and look at their artwork and read some of the historical documentation...
then what I'm recording here are thoughts that come to mind...that energize
from viewing those things at that moment...that's what this series is all about.

It's not easy to do this, and one must realize that it's a learning process,
it's a learning process for me, and also it's a learning process for whomever
has the...takes the time or has the availability of these tapes; to listen
to them.

On the first tape, I talked, did some on an Egyptian tomb painting in Thebes,
and on the Mandala Buddhism painting somewhere in Asia...what we're going
into now on this tape will be Egypt again...and so here it begins.

Egypt [The Arab Republic of Egypt], is a very interesting Nation.  I've never
had the opportunity to visit Egypt, but there are a lot of things about it
that I've read; it's quite a popular subject throughout the world.  A culture
and civilization with a 3000yr line of Pharaohs, it is...goes back farther
than 3000BC, probably I would say...they probably had a civilization there
that went back probably to 20,000BC, it's hard to put an exact date on it
all...but just roughly, I would say that.

I also feel that before the 3000yr reign of Egypt, those Pharaohs, which ended
with Cleopatra [Cleopatra VII, the last Macedonian Queen of Egypt, (69BC-30BC)]
the last Pharaoh in that 3000yr line...I would say prior to all of those
Pharaohs, there was a civilization...the original Egyptian civilization...and
that would have spanned many many centuries.

...I also want to make a notation at this time, that on all of my tapes in
this (series)...I'm not creating these tapes for any kind of a debate with
historians or any other scholarly individuals...that statements, and view
points that I make, are designed to only show a horizon, areas, pathways,
horizons to look into and to contemplate upon.  I may give the impression
in some of my wording and phrasing, that I'm taking a critical stand, but
I'm not taking a critical stand in anything against any religion or culture...
all I am doing is giving my impressions, which I have defined as 'empathic

...The Nile River which runs through the eastern portion of Egypt...where most
of the pyramids and cities are located...I'm looking at a map here of Lower
Egypt and Upper Egypt.  The Nile River was originally called Aegyptis, I think
that was the original name...then that name was shortened to Egypt, and the 
river itself...the name was changed to the Nile...[Nile, Latin, Nilus;
longest river in Africa; earliest seat of the Nilotic Peoples, and the
Nilotic group of related languages].

...It is written in some of...this is also on Egypt, it is written in some of
Herodotus's documentation's, who was a Greek Historian...somewhere I think
they said that he is considered the 'father of history,'...he was the first
individual that traveled and made records and documentation's of the cultures
and countries he traveled too...historical information.

He went into Egypt and spent several years in Egypt, (he) had the opportunity...
if you read his material...he had quite a large manuscript on Egypt...I read
portions of it a number of years ago when I was researching Oracles, the
Oracle of Ammon near Siwa, in western Egypt, near to the border of Libya;
there's an oasis there...

...Somewhere in there he (Herodotus) said that he was taken one time, into one
of the buildings, in the basement, in Egypt, he was taken there by some of the
high priests, shown a huge room that was lined with hundreds and hundreds of
statues...and he was told that those statues...each statue represented...was
an exact copy of the Pharaoh that reigned...each time there was a new Pharaoh,
there would be a statue made of him and it would be placed in that room.  He
said it (the room) was quite large and filled with many many statues.

...One of the things he wrote, said that in some of the records of Egypt, it 
was recorded that the Sun rose in the west, and set in the east, and that
happened twice.  In other words, the Earth had flipped over, a polar shift,
a polar flip, would cause the Sun to rise in the west, and set in the east.
The Egyptians recorded that that particular event took place twice, and that
during those periods of the flip, the everyday activities...nothing changed...
they didn't mention earthquakes or atmospheric turbulence...that life just
went on as normal, except when you looked west, the Sun came up, and when you
looked east, the Sun set.

I wanted to put that particular notation in here, because I think it is 
important for all peoples on the planet to realize that this planet can
flip over.  And of course depending on where your location would be, would
depend upon whatever types of effects you would have from such a flip.

...The Egyptian culture was tied very closely to nature, they saw a link,
a connection between humanity and nature itself, and the Earth.  They, I think
said somewhere that, 'the Bible was the word of God,' and nature, everyday
activities in nature, birds, animals, whatever...when one walked through 
nature during the day, and birds sang to them or came by, or animals came
by...whatever took place during those momentary events, 'were as the word
of God (spoken word)'; that God communicated...the written word was written
(as in the Bible)...but God communicated (spoke) through nature, through the
animals, through the birds, through the insects, through the fish...and so
that's how they (the Egyptians) pretty much relate in the artwork also.

I think there's a combination that was designed in that language...to look
at the pictures in the script, and to at the same time mentally, or verbally,
hear the tones that represented each character in the script...and that was
kind of like a melody or song.  And as one looked at the script, and read it,
they would automatically in their mind see an empathic expression, or
vision...a mental picture (sadly enough, the original Egyptian language
has been replaced by the Arabic).

...So I would consider the Egyptian language, pictographic language, as an 
empathic language also.  So the Egyptians...if I carry that further, that
line further, I would say that the Egyptians were Empathic's.

Then I found also some other literature on Egypt that stated, that they had
developed their culture to the point where some individuals were able...
they were completely telepathic and clairvoyant.  And that the Egyptians
sent, over the thousands of years...ancient Egypt had sent ships out of the
Mediterranean through...passed Gibraltar into the Atlantic and further west.
There were some indications that the Egyptians had reached Central America,
the Yucatan...that a portion of those explorers had formed an expedition,
a land expedition, and went (west) across through and into the Aztec area
on the western coast of C America (S America also).

That information that I received on that also was...that the individuals that
were part of that sea voyage, were linked telepathically, empathically also,
(linked) mentally with individuals in Egypt, and that's how they communicated.
It was all done telepathically...because it was a very great possibility on 
such a long voyage, one would not be able to return with the historical 
documentation of what was found...so before the Egyptians sent out such 
expeditions, they had developed their culture and abilities to the point
of telepathic communicatons, clairvoyant communications, empathic communications...
so they didn't have to have a return voyage to get the information, it was
done mentally.

That some of the individuals were so highly developed in Egypt, that when 
their bodies wore out, became aged, wore out...they had the ability to take
and leave their body, and go into a new body.  They would pick the family that
they would become part of in the new body, and when they stepped out of their
aged body, all of their knowledge and wisdom and ability, went with them into
the new body (along with all memory).

That some of the Egyptians were highly advanced medically.  That they used
certain types of crystals, and other objects for surgical operations, that
they didn't really need pain killers in some operations, because they could
mentally shield that patient from pain.  That some of the instruments they
used for surgical incisions were so highly...I don't know how to put that part,
let's see...were used in such a way that when the operation was over, the
individual healed quite rapidly, very fast, and that usually there were no scars.

...I notice that in the Egyptian's...the Pharaoh carries a certain type of
shaft or cane (staff)...it looks almost like an instrument of some sort, a
rod of some sort that may be inserted inside something quite large to open
it...like a key.  I think that is one area that could be looked into...

There was also some writings done on the mythical culture of Atlantis, there's
been a lot of writings in that area; a great mystery, Atlantis [Atlantis, also
Atalantis or Atlantica, something 9000BC perhaps].  One portion of some of those
studies, I found a link to Egypt as though perhaps the Egyptians were some how
related to the culture of Atlantis...it's very hard to know for sure if Atlantis
really existed.

I studied it 20-25yrs ago quite extensively...Atlantis--to see what type of
impressions I could manifest...and I did have a dream of Atlantis during those
study periods, I did have a dream of an entrance to a huge palace...(an) entrance
of stairways that went up into a palace...and over the entrance of the palace
was a relief carved in marble or stone, and it said 'Atlantis' across it; that
was the spelling...there were two horses also; the heads of horses that were
facing...one on each side of the word (Atlantis), and that is the only tangible
evidence that I found so far that Atlantis actually existed.  The fact of being
able to have a dream vision on such a subject would indicate to me, that it
probably did exist in some form, or some way...otherwise I wouldn't have been
able to have the vision.

However...moving on here.  I think the reason I brought up this Atlantis link
to Egypt, was because of the shape of that staff [of the Pharaoh]...I just
wonder if there may be a connection between that staff, and something to do 
with Atlantis...(this is) only a memo note at this time for someone to listen
too and think about themselves.

When one studies Egyptian history, ancient history, one begins to realize how
intelligent they (the Egyptians) were during those times.  They were telepathic,
clairvoyant, empathic, they had the ability to manifest things in nature.  The
word to manifest would mean...a person would sit down and maybe write something,
or draw a bird or an insect...and in a little while, that particular animal or
insect would manifest itself...it would appear.  And I think that that is one of
the links they found that worked quite well with the natural world of this planet.

That one could utilize the availability of such manifestations; and they could take
and attach certain significant expressions to an animal, and then whenever that
animal appeared, it would relate a communication...because they're communicating
with God through the animals.

In other words, they could ask themselves, "how do I find an answer to this
question, will this particular animal help me?"  And (then) they would say,
'if this animal appears, it would mean this, if that insect appears, it would
mean this other answer to the question.'  Then they would go and take a walk
through nature and see which parts of nature appeared to them; 'the word of God,
the voice of God,' coming, saying this is the answer...and then they would make a
notation, and they would double check it to make sure it was correct...that it
wasn't just a random occurence.  And I think that's how they continued to slowly
develop their culture and society, and all of the individuals in that culture.

I think way back before the line of Pharaoh's, that there was a tremendous
amount of harmony and peace in the Egyptian culture.  I think that it's very
possible that the Egyptian culture from the period of the Pharaoh's forward,
may be quite different than the original Egypt...it may also not have been as
highly advanced (the era's of the Pharaoh's); there could have been a slow
digression from the time of Pharaoh's onward; I'm not sure, I'm only thinking
that could be a possibility.

...I notice that most of the Gods in the Egyptian paintings...their physical...
their facial features are masked with animals...they're saying...they wanted to 
protect the facial identifications, (keeping them) as a mystery, something
unknown; personal perhaps.  And so what they did was, they masked them (the Gods)
with animals; and they probably were thinking that if one wanted to make contact 
with an Egyptian God, then they would have to do it through the animal that's
depicted as part of that King of Pharaoh.  Which would also demand a emotional
and intellectual development of the individual to reach that level, to be able
to manifest in nature itself.

I think about 15yrs ago, I was doing some exercises in writing, and I was 
reading 'The Book of the Dead', the Egyptian Book of the Dead.  What I did was,
I used the pictographic script, and I didn't read any translations on the script,
English translations...I just took the script and did an exercise...

I looked at the pictures and followed the script along, and I started hearing...
not hearing...as I looked at that (script) and relaxed my mind and focused in
on the pictures, I started to sort of imagine...I started receiving an empathic
expression...many expressions...that formed a story.  I was quite astonished, so
what I did was, I recorded it, the story.  It took several hours to record those
messages that I found at that time, and I put them into a record...

I think when one looks at the Egyptian pictographic script, their language, 
they could use that same theme and come up with all kinds of different stories;
this is just a point to make, and hopefully someone else will try to do the same.

...There were deities of scribes...that was their profession in Egypt...I think
one of them...the patron was Thoth [Thoth, also Tat, Tehute, Thot, Djhuty,
Djhowtey, God of reckoning and learning, inventor of writing, adivsor of the Gods],
he was identified as a Moon God, who also could be shown as a Baboon, or an
Ibis, or a man with the head of an Ibis; and that he had secret knowledge
involved in 'magic'.

There's a little story that a Prince who's name was Setna (Prince Khaemese),
learned that a book of magic writings by Thoth was buried in an ancient tomb
in Memphis, and so the Prince Setna went there and broke into the tomb...and
was confronted by ghosts, who warned him that Thoth would kill the Prince's
family if he stole those magic books; took them out of the tomb.  I guess they
were...someone alluded to the fact that they were in a chest at the bottom of
the Nile; I don't know how he ever got them out of there (but what a hidding place).

Anyway, Setna, used powerful amulets to take the books, which he did...then
as he was leaving there, he met a beautiful woman called, 'Tabubu', and was
(instantly) captivated by her, by her physical appearance and her femininity;
but she wouldn't allow him to get close to her, unless he would give her all
of his wealth, and kill all of his children.  Anyway, the story goes, that
Setna agreed to do that if she would be with him...so after they are together,
she...after they slept together...when he wakes up, he finds himself laying
naked and alone in the middle of a road...this is quite a nice little story...
and that his children who he supposedly (agreed or had) killed in order to
be with her, were still alive and well...and that the beautiful woman was
just a 'phantom'.  So he all of a sudden realizes that he better return the
Book of Thoth to its chest, and to the tomb.

...What I'm trying to do in this whole form of analogy, is to look at the ancient
past, and how unique it was, and bring some of those things up into present
time, and to try and take the present time to focus upon an era in a
civilization that had developed itself to a high level, and to show that this 
Nation (USA) can develop itself also to a higher level, a higher spiritual
level...and that there is unity in spiritual levels.

...I think when the fathers of this Nation wrote and created the Constitution
of the United States, they saw this same type of analogy that I'm speaking
about also...they saw the corruption's that were in European Nations, and
the conflicts, and the wars amongst all the Europeans...that had gone on for
Centuries.  They saw the effects that the theology in Europe had upon the
social structures, and they wanted to design a Constitution that would not
have those same problems...so that's why our Constitution is stated the
way it is...

...It's important in this historical study to keep in mind that if one wants
a Nation with a longevity, and they want one, a Nation with peace, and not a
Nation built on warring, like Rome was built upon...and they want the Nation
to last for thousands of years...then they're going to have to set it up in such
a way that their people will be free to develop, and expand their spiritual levels
at the same time; and that the monetary system can detour such a development
if it's isolated and censored the way it is at present time.

...This next Egyptian painting is entitled, "Life after Death," the soul in
the Underworld, a 1400BC painting, a theme from a papyrus...there's scales,
and different characters, and a lot of pictographic script.

It's a story about the fate of two men after they had died.  A cruel rich man
has been condemned to eternal torment, a virtuous poor man has been given all
the rich man's grave goods, and has become a blessed spirit.  The text presents
the judgment of the dead which was central to Egyptian religion; in ealier time
it was just one of many dangers that the soul had to overcome before it could
reach the paradise known as "The Field of Reeds."

The Egyptian Underworld was elaborate, landscaped (with) rivers and islands, 
deserts, lakes, lakes of fire.  To find a persons way through it, or overcome
the Gods and demons who lived there, they would have to become a hero magician.
From 3000BC, people of rank and wealth, had spells inscribed in/on their coffins.

The heart of the dead person was weighed in a pair of scales against the feather
of the Goddess Maat, that Goddess was the personification of Justice and Truth.
There was also a female monster, the devourer of the dead; who was near the
scales that did the weighing of the heart with a feather.

The fate (of being devoured) could be avoided by the use of spells; those who
passed this test were judged pure, and became spirits with the power to move
among the Gods.

If the heart was to heavy, then it would be devoured by a monster.

Once one passed through those areas, they would have the ability to travel
to the Sun, or beyond the Sun...it's quite an interesting story in religion;
it's tied completely to nature.

What I see that they did in that religion of the Egyptians...they tied the
human completely to the natural aspect of the planet and all of nature; and
that nature would make the decisions.  There's quite a bit more here that could
be expressed...

...This weighing of the heart with a feather...that's something that should be
looked into.

...There are quite a few things on the symbolism of the heart, but I'm just
going to make one little notation here...it says, 'the heart within us is the
symbol of the presence of a God head, and our awareness of that presense,
a man's heart is his own God, and a man should be content with his heart, as
it is part of his deeds.'  That the heart is the center of the body, the heart
is a persons conscience, I think that the heart also is the Earth, (the heart)
could also be considered a form of the Earth itself...the heart is a vital
organ, a central organ in humans, its meaning symbolically represents the 'center'.

In India the heart is thought to be the place of contact with the personification
of the absolute.  In ancient Greece it originally represented thought, feeling,
and will, and also a spiritual connection.  In Islam the heart is seen as the
seat of contemplation and spirituality, it's thought to have various colored
layers cloaking it, and made visible through excitement.

And of course in Egypt, it played an essential role in the center of the will
and of vital and spiritual energy...

So here ends this Egyptian portion of excerpts from the series,
Empathic Expressions....


[note: text is yet to be proof read].

                                          This page created May98