All About Me!
Ms. Graceless Lady
So, who is this Stones freak?  Well, to start, I'm a college student at Penn State University.  I LOVE the Stones, especially Mick Jagger, whom I think is the world's best performer!  I took the name "Graceless Lady" because
1) It's a female name (alias) that I can use while chatting to other Stones fans 
2) "Wild Horses" is one of the greatest Stones songs ever recorded!
    Contrary to what most people think, the Rolling Stones appeal to people of all age groups.  When I attended the Columbus show in late September 1997, I spotted people of EVERY age group, including children as young as 5 yrs. old!
    Let me start off by saying that I was not always a Stones fan, (as ashamed as I am to admit it) but still have three shows under my belt and have been a fan for about seven years.  That's not bad for a college student.
    Like almost all girls my age, I had a thing for the New Kids On The Block (shudder).  It was brief, and I was never fanatical, but it still creates a tweak of shame every time I think about it.  I actually credit my mom with the wonderful accomplishment of setting me straight, so to speak.  She was always a Stones fan, and was always putting tapes on in the car.  I look back in amazement and see myself groaning when she turned on "Far Away Eyes."
    My change of heart came about rather quickly, in an odd way.  One day in 1993, I was watching MTV and an interesting video came on.  It was a Mick Jagger solo video titled "Sweet Thing."  I wasn't particularly interested, but knowing how my mom loved Mick, I told her that he must have a new album out.  He did, and within the week we had bought "Wandering Spirit," the third of three solo albums Jagger has done.
    Even though "Sweet Thing" did not convert me, the third track on the album, "Out of Focus" did.  The piano, the female back-up singers, Mick's odd vocals, all came together to create this wonderful tune that I found myself singing all the time.  By this time, I was a true Mick Jagger fan.  However, it took a while longer to become a Rolling Stones fan.
    I was a little skeptical, because my mom didn't have a wide collection of Stones cassettes...all I could remember was that hideous "Far Away Eyes" country tune!  I was scared that a bad Stones song would end my fondness for Mick.
    I was completely wrong.  I forget now what albums we started to get after that, but I was not the only one turned on by Mick's solo album.  My mom really started to buy cassettes, and as we bought them, I loved them.
    So, by the summer of 1994 when the Stones announced their Voodoo Lounge World tour, I was a die-hard fan.  My parents had never been to a show, and of course neither had I.  We managed to get tickets for the whole family, including my parents, my sister, and myself.  We didn't have front row or anything, but what we had was enough.  I have had some pretty exciting moments in my life, but I will never as long as I live forget my first Stones concert.  When everyone in Three Rivers Stadium first realized that Charlie (affectionately known as "Chah-ley") was beatin' the drums to open with "Not Fade Away," the place started to shake with cheers, stomping, and applause.  When that huge cobra-like structure on the stage shot beams of light around the stadium, we all went wild.  I had the most fun when Mick let the audience sing along on "Miss You", one of my favorite Stones songs of all time!  I could safely say it was one of the best times of my life.
    Then, the Stones returned in 97/98.  I saw my second Stones show in Columbus, OH in late September '97.  I foolishly thought that there was no way on earth these guys could compete with their own Voodoo Lounge tour in 94/95.  Again, I admit to being totally wrong.  Not only did they perform as well, they were better!  Those who have been to the "Bridges to Babylon" show know the feeling.  (I was particularly impressed with the confetti)  As an opening, a huge oval screen on stage shoots fire and Keith Richards suddenly seems to appear out of nowhere, using his wizardry to belt out the opening riff to "Can't Get No Satisfaction," a song I consider to be the anthem of rock n' roll for all generations. I viewed my third Stones show in Pittsburgh, PA once again, only this time the "No Security" tour embraced a much more intimate setting, and the show was at the then named "Civic Arena" (now known as the "Mellon Arena"). The arena is large, but not quite as large as the former Three Rivers Stadium, and it's also enclosed. The Stones wowwed me from a center stage that I was seated mere yards away from.
    I'm hoping the Stones will once again tour and thrill us with their seemingly endless energy.  Sure, my friends occasionally snicker and make snide comments about how OLD the Stones are, but I sure hope I can do that when I'M over 50 yrs. old!  Not only do the Stones perform well for their age, they perform better than anyone else in the business!  This is the main part of the Stones that amazes me-their perseverance.  And of course, there will never be another Mick Jagger.
    Today I own almost every tape of the Stones, and am diligently working on a CD collection.  My T-shirt collection isn't too shabby either; and I'm also working on other collectibles, such as posters, videos, and pins.  I can't think of many Stones songs that I actually dislike, and I'm even a huge fan of "Far Away Eyes" now...who would have ever thought?
    Even though a 21 yr. old Stones fan may be uncommon, I have some hope for the future.  I remember being at a theme park one summer.  I was walking past the waterslides when I suddenly heard a female voice belting out "Jumping Jack Flash."  I turned toward the voice to see a little girl no older than five years old, singing and dancing her way through the park, just as happy as can be.  "Now there," I thought, "Is a little girl with great taste in music!"
Have I bored you enough?  Well, if you have any questions or comments feel free to get in touch. I always have time for Stones fans!  I also welcome any advice toward improving my page!
(I know some of the text is hard to read; I'm working on alternative backgrounds)
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