The last minute preparations for the wedding were hectic, but exciting. Ten minutes before it was time to walk up the aisle, Jade was getting the jitters. She was dressed in a purple velvet dress, which was perfect on her lean, curvaceous body. Her wavy red hair was piled on top of her head, and she was ready. She made her way into the boys room.
"Wow, Jade." Breathed Taylor, "That’s gorgeous."
"Are you sure." Asked Jade. "Aren’t I a bit overdone?"
"The only way you’d be overdone is if you were a steak!" shrieked Zac, blending a compliment with a joke.
"Gee thanks, Zac, that means a lot to me!" Jade joked back.
"Only trying to help." He replied at the same time as Taylor told her she looked perfect.
It was almost time to go. Jade helped the boys. She straightened Mackie’s little bow tie, helped Taylor pull his hair back and pinched Zac’s cheeks for added effect.
It was time to go.
It was only a small ceremony. Apart from the bride and groom, the only guests were the family of both parties, and a bunch of friends, including the Hansons of course.
The wedding begun. Jade was seated up the front, with her grandparents. Her aunts and uncles were behind her, and Carols family were in the opposite pews. The Hansons were behind her uncles and aunts, taking up two whole rows between them!
It wasn’t long before they had said the vows and the guests were outside. The happily married bride and groom came out of the church in each others arms, and everyone cheered. Taylor and Jade stood together, Jade with a look of pride on her face. The younger Hansons stood in a group, laughing and playing. Isaac was talking to one of Jade’s aunts and Zac was watching everything, standing just behind Jade and Taylor.
Nobody noticed the lady across the road from the church. Sitting by herself, with a bottle of whisky in her hand and a suitcase next to her, she waited for the bus. Staring straight ahead at the happy couple, tears fell from her eyes and she longed for the stability and comfort of the family she once had. The bus came and she got on, leaving her past behind her, and saying a last goodbye to her daughter, the beautiful girl across the road.
Jade turned as the bus pulled away and looked into the eyes of the woman on the back seat. She looked at the straggly red hair, and the eyes gazing into her own and recognized her immediately.
Jade ran after the bus which was turning the corner. Kicking her shoes off as she ran, and hitching her dress up she raced towards the bus. Tears were streaming from her face, and the guests watched in horror.
She kept running after the bus, not noticing the car coming towards her at full speed. She was hit and her body was tossed like a rag doll into the air. It landed with a sickening thud on the ground. She died instantly. Her cries of "Mum" faded into the air, and Jade was gone.
This was the day ‘Middle of Nowhere’ was released. This was The Day the Music Died.
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