Over the next week the Hanson band practiced like crazy. With only a couple more days left before the wedding, they had to put in their last efforts. After the wedding they would be getting straight onto a plane and heading for Australia.
"Come on…" sung Taylor and the band launched into MMMBop. They were down town at the record store singing for a crowd of teenage girls. This was their last concert before the wedding and their tour.
Ike was on the guitar, and Zac was on the drums, both singing backup. Taylor played the bongos and tambourine at regular intervals, and Jade played the keyboard. They both sung lead.
After they had finished they began to sing Madeline. The crowd screamed. This was the best concert yet.
"Hey does everyone know we’re leaving soon?" said Jade into the microphone. The crowd screamed. "I guess I’ll take that as a yes!" They screamed again.
Then Taylor asked them if they wanted a going away present. They screamed louder than ever. Then they each picked up a basket of chocolates and jelly snakes and threw them into the crowd.
The crowd screamed for more, and they threw the whole lot out into the audience. Then they picked up their instruments once more and launched into ‘Where’s the Love’. The finished that and sung "Thinking of You’ and ‘Speechless’ and then stopped.
Waving and yelling goodbye to the crowd they ran off the stage. The crowd encored them and so they all came out and did acapella version of the chorus to MMMBop.
Once they had finished they went backstage and packed up. That night the two families went out to dinner to a downtown pizza restaurant.
It was a going away dinner. Blake and his fiancée would be leaving the next night on their honeymoon. The day after that the Hansons and Jade would be going to Australia.
Halfway through the evening Jade felt faint and decided to go outside for some fresh air. Taylor went with her.
He found her in tears on the steps leading to the restaurant. He put his arm around her and she broke down in his arms. She told him all her worries…how she might never see her mother again, how she was worried her dad would leave her for good, and how she hadn’t made any friends in the new suburb of Tulsa.
For the next half an hour Taylor comforted her. He told her everything would be okay, and hugged her and stroked her hair. Once she had stopped crying she stayed their, thinking about everything.
Although her hair was stuck to her face by her tears, and she had red puffy eyes, she managed to look into Taylor’s eyes and whisper something to him, which changed his life, though he didn’t know it.
"If you weren’t there for me, I don’t know what I’d do. Promise we’ll be together always?" she wishpered. He promised, and squeezed her tight. They stayed like that until Zac came out to find them for dessert.
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