"No matter how high…no matter how low…I’ll be thinking of you-ou." Blasted out of the speakers, and around 500 listeners, mainly teenage girls, screamed with joy. Some cried, some sang, most of them danced. And Jade stood backstage with a look of joy on her face.
It had been almost a month since Jade’s mother had left. A lot had happened since then. Because the house had been her mothers, her mother had sent an eviction notice to her dad, and she and her dad had moved two weeks ago. They were now living right next door to Hanson, and she had become best friends with the three boys, often baby sitting with them for the younger three, and generally just ‘hanging’ with the famous trio.
Her love for their music had almost tripled in size. She had bought the CD, and knew the songs off by heart. Zac had given her some of his copies of their other two CD’s, Boomerang and MMMBop. And now Jade was sitting at one of their concerts, after being asked to introduce them! Jade was in heaven.
But her thoughts couldn’t help wandering off to her mother. She hadn’t heard from her mother since she left. She would never forgive her mother for what she had done, but she couldn’t help yearning for someone to be close to. Because Jade had always done home-schooling, she didn’t really have many friends, and now that they lived in a new part of Oklahoma, she had to make new friends. Surprisingly, she and Diana Hanson had become very close, and Diana and her often would watch the kids together. Diana was just like a replacement for her own mother. But Jade couldn’t confide in her about one thing. Her love for Taylor.
But Diana could sense it, so one day, after the boys had been swimming in her pool with her, and they were making their way back to the Hanson household to watch videos, Diana asked jade if she could speak to her for a minute.
"I don’t mean to pry, Jade, but do you like Taylor?" she asked, hesitating.
"Y-yes! How did you know? Am I that obvious?" replied Jade, half joking to hide her embarrassment.
"Obvious. No, not at all! Just the opposite. You seem kind of shy around him. But, you know, if you wanted to ask him out, I think you should. Don’t let our friendship get in the way!" replied Diana. Jade was so happy. Diana was an adult, but she knew just how she was feeling!
That night, the three eldest Hanson boys were in their bedroom. Zac was sitting on the floor, building a new Lego model. Ike was sitting on a chair, strumming out the guitar riffs for ‘Where’s the Love’ and Taylor was lying on the bottom half of the bunk he and Ike shared, reading. Finally it was time for the three to go to sleep. The next day was Jade’s birthday, and although she didn’t know it, they had a big day planner for her. As they went to sleep, although neither Taylor or Jade knew it, both were staring into each other’s eyes through their windows, and both were yearning for the other one to love them as they did the other. And both had the same song lyrics going through their head, "And even though we can’t be together…we’ll be friends now and forever…"
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