Thanks To Hanson

Chapter 3

"Hey guys!" shrieked Jade from her window. The boys bedroom window was directly opposite her window, and to the left from her own ‘private’ balcony. On this particular morning, she was sitting on it in her PJ’s eating pancakes with maple syrup and watching the three boys. They didn’t know she was there! Until she shouted, then they all turned around!

"What on earth are you doing over there?" shrieked Zac, equally as loud as Jade. All three boys had their heads earnestly sticking out of the window and were watching her.

"Watching you lot! Love the boxers Tay!" she replied. Taylor who was still wearing his boxers and a vest, blushed, and ducked back inside the room. Taylor was so embarrassed. How could she do that to him? He had given up all hope now - she obviously didn’t like her as much as she liked him.

When Jade had realized what she had done, she was so ashamed of herself. She told they guys to wait their and she’d be right over. When they asked why, she said there was something she had to do.

Ten minutes later, she smoothed her hair over, and marched in the front door. Diana, Walker and all six kids, basically felt she was one of the family now, and they were used to her frequent visits, so they didn’t mind when she just walked in.

The boys were in their room. Taylor was dressed, and sitting on his bed writing in his journal. He was still embarrassed, but trying to act calm as he knew Jade was coming over.

Jade knocked on the door, and then walked in. She didn’t bother say hi to anyone, she just marched straight over to Taylor, and said, "Taylor, I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" Now you might think Taylor was stunned, but Jade was worse. She almost fainted - she had never done anything like that before!

As for Taylor, he managed a blush, and then instead of just replying yes or no, he said "WHEN!?" Then he realized how eager he must look, and blushed again!

Acting on impulse again (twice a day - a record for Jade!), she grabbed his hand, said, "Come on!" and made him run all the way into downtown Tulsa, kept going until they reached the park, and then they finally sat down on the bench for a break. Jade purposely didn’t let go of his hand, and then once they were calm again, she turned around and said, "I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time!"

"What, run 20 kilometers and nearly kill me!? Thanks!" joked Taylor.

"No, goofy! Ask you out."

"Not as long as I’ve been wanting to do this!" and then Taylor, surprising himself and Jade, gave Jade a quick kiss on the lips. Jade burst into tears.

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