Medieval Occupations
(Jobs in the Medieval Age)
Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities.
As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events.
Though not much training was available for these jobs, those who held the positions were not highly regarded in social circles.
An Apothecarist was one trained and skilled in the arts of formal medicine. Though not as highly regarded as a physician, these workers devoted their time and studies to the arts of healing. Trained physicians were expensive and usually only retained and hired by kings, nobles and the elite. Therefore the Apothecarist served the common people.
Commonly a monk or priest held the position and most available remedies came from the natural uses of plants, herbs and roots. It is believed that most of these practical applications were first discovered by the Celts and Druids.
An Apothecarist who was a member of a religious order often charged a donation to his sect for his services. A layman who served in the same occupation could charge whatever fees he or she wanted.
Architects built structures, towns and buildings. Not only did they possess the knowledge to construct these things but they also had the skill to plan entire cities. Architects were highly in demand and were paid high wages for their services. As war spread across Europe during the Medieval Ages it was important for a king to have an architect who could build strong, reliable and defensible towns, buildings and castles.
Much of the Gothic architecture that stands today throughout Europe was built during the Medieval Ages. Churches, castles, cathedrals and theaters were often not only functional buildings, but statements of a king's wealth and power.
The Medieval Architect had to have skill in math and a creative mind. In many cases is a city or castle was conquered by an enemy the architect would be put to death. Having his buildings mastered by an enemy was the ultimate sign of failure.
- Acrobat, Apothecarist, Architect
- Armorer, Artist, Astrologer
- Baker, Barrister, Bookbinder
- Bowyer, Brewer, Bricklayer
- Candlemaker, Carpenter, Cartographer
- Clothier, Cook, Diplomat
- Dyer, Engineer, Engraver
- Farmer, Fisherman, Forester
- Fortune-Teller, Furrier, Gardener
- Glassblower, Grain Merchant, Gravedigger
- Herald, Herbalist, Hunter
- Innkeeper, Interpreter, Jester
- Jeweler, Leatherworker, Locksmith
- Messenger, Miner, Minstrel
- Moneylender, Navigator, Painter
- Peddler, Physician, Playwright
- Politician, Potter, Rat Catcher
- Sailor, Scribe, Servant
- Shipwright, Shoemaker, Spy
- Stonecarver, Storyteller, Weaver
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