Brought to you by:
Hand-to-Mouth Ministries-ULC & L.O.V.E. Productions
Dear People:
The folks at Sowing Seeds Festivals; and its participating producers; would like to thank all of you who made last year's celebration a joyous one. Being our first year; and having only a short time to prepare; Sowing Seeds Festival Weekend of 1998 was a major success; despite the fact that we only met our expenses, with much out-of-pocket costs; and no profit to speak of. Yet; we are a Non-Profit fund raiser; who's intentions are only to fund more festivals; contribute a portion to helping people out on the street; and to help environmental groups collect donations and bring awareness to the public of the growing pangs of "Mother Earth".
We appreciate you; and Love you for making a most enjoyable time with each other as Community; Family; and Friends in a festive atmosphere celebrating Life on Earth at "Sowing Seeds Earthweek Festival 1998".
Our "Earthweek" represents more than just the Environment! Earthweek in Boulder recognizes all that is part of the Earth; and that includes you & me; and our children. This is a celebration of the relationship between our Earth and all her inhabitants; People; Wildlife; Plants; Mountains, the Air we breathe; the Ground we walk on; and the Animals we've domesticated. It represents our Love and Care for all things; our conservationist beliefs; and our campaigns toward respecting and preserving those ideals.
Sowing Seeds Festival Weekend 1998 presented great innovative performance groups; expressing themselves in Dance, Drama, and Song. Exhibitors and Speakers of Social, Political, and Environmental concerns displayed and explained topics which are current issues to the people of Boulder. Colorful Clowns, Bumble Bees, and Fairies pranced through the crowds; blowing bubbles, painting faces and bringing smiles to both the children and adults. Even the First Amendment of the Constitution was represented by supporting the Freedom of Religion with an Outdoors Spiritual Down-to-Earth All-Denominational Church Gathering.
EARTHMARKET was our most exciting addition to the festivities of Boulder, Colorado. A wide variety of vendors presented their wares under a small city of tents scattered across the central lawn of the civic park: Great gift ideas, Handmade Crafts, Essential Oils & Herbs, Antiques, and even Body Rubs and Fortune Tellers; all with an Earth-Minded approach.
Please help us establish Earthweek in Boulder Colorado as an official, viable, annual, civic festival; as a status symbol of the general consensus of "what made Boulder; Boulder;" for "doing what is right!!"
We need your support and participation; in the forms of Sponsorship; Donations; representing your business or organization at the fair; or by joining the Board of Directors or one of the many events as a volunteer.
Please place your reservations now; and help bring back Earthweek Festivals such as "Sowing Seeds" for another great success!!
Thank You very much for your interest and consideration!
Festively Yours;
Rev. Jahn Kefa
Sowing Seeds Festival Coordinator