Humboldt Area Jaycees
    Humboldt, Nebraska
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August 2003 Newsletter

July 14, 2003 minutes

Eldon called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with the following members present: Eldon, Vicki, Steve, Kari, Tim, David, and Michelle. Danny arrived at 7:10 p.m. The June minutes were approved as stated in the newsletter. David made a motion to accept the minutes and Vicki made the second. Vicki gave the treasurer's report.

New Members/Renewals: One new member was introduced, Michelle Johnson. It was reported that only one member renewed in July, Eldon Russell and four drops: Ken and Natalie Helmick, Michele Veltrop, and Kevin Slater.

Old Business:

Tractor Pull- David- chair: Vicki passed out a P&L with preliminary results of the Tractor Pull. There are still a few expenses and some income from concessions that have not been paid yet, so the final profit/loss on the event has not been finalized. With the Tractor Pull being rained out at midnight, we probably lost out on some income. At this point the profit is $305.29, not including the cost for the insurance. Members that helped with the Tractor Pull (either with setup or th Pull itself) were: David, Eldon, Vicki, Tim, Danny, Kari, Steve, Michelle, Kelly, Crys, Aaron, Sus, Andrea, Cindy, and Tim. Other chapters helping: Waverly (Tammie Mertens, Dave Moore, Lisa Gebers, and Tom Nunn); Auburn (Tim and Rhonda Mueller and Jeff Baack). State board members attending: State President Deb Ventris and husband Reuben, State Management VP Brett Drake and wife Kendra (State Packet Program Manager),, State Membership VP Teresa Denson, State Community VP Gene Stoddard, Charlie Denson (First Timers & Degrees Program Manager), and RD Brian Nichols (Mr. Announcer).

Curb Painting- It was decided to change the date of Curb Painting to Thursday, August 14th. This is the same week as the Fair in Auburn and we need to be up in Auburn earlier in the week to help out with the Auburn Jaycees Fair Bingo Stand.

Holiday Flags- David and Eldon put up the flags for Flag Day on June 14th. The Jaycees turn to put up flags again will be on Pearl Harbour Day, December 7th.

Fireworks Stand- Eldon- chair: Eldon reported that the fireworks stand went very well. All shifts were covered except on July 4th. It's always tough to get the July 4th shifts covered but that's when the stand makes most of the money. Eldon's dad and brother helped run the stand during these shifts. The total profit before sales tax is paid is $993.52. Last year the stand only profited $384.00, so this year was definitely a better year for selling fireworks. Helping setup up the stand or working in the stand were: Eldon, David, Vicki, Kari, Tim, Danny, Michelle, Cindy, Steve, Crys, and Sus.

July 4th Events: Mud Volleyball (Kari- chair)- Kari reported that the event profited by $21.00. Everyone that played in the event agreed that the new site was a much better place to play in. Greased Pig (Danny- chair)- Danny reported that the Greased Pig Competition went really well and that all the kids had fun. Kid's Games (Crys- chair)- Crys was unable to make the meeting but Eldon reported that the crowd was down for the games, mostly because of the heat, but the kids that participated all had a good time. That's the main thing. Helping out during the July 4th events were: Kari, Steve, Eldon, Crys, Danny, and Tim.

Region Meeting- Eldon- chair: Eldon reminded everyone that the 2nd Triad Region Meeting will be hosted in Humboldt at the Community Action Center. The meeting will be held on Saturday, August 23rd and run from 3-6 p.m. He requested that members bring cookies for the meeting and we will have a barbecue afterwards. All members are requested to attend. We are charging other chapters per person, $2.00 (meeting only) and $4.00 (meeting and barbecue). Eldon said he would get polish dogs, baked beans, and chips for the barbecue and pop for both the meeting and barbecue. Humboldt members can attend both events for free.

Moonlight Golf- Vicki- chair: The Moonlight Golf Tournament will follow the Region Meeting. This will be held as the social that follows the Region Meeting. Vicki requested that members come out to help setup at 7:30 p.m. and we'll need help to serve breakfast afterwards starting at approximately 11:30 p.m. If you can help with either setup or serving food, that would be great. The event starts at 9 p.m. The cost is $36.00 per couple and there is a 27 team limit.

SE Region Casino Night- Eldon reminded everyone that a Region Social will be held on Saturday, July 26 at Sac 'n' Fox Casino. All Southeast Jaycees and state board members have been invited to the event.

New Business

Jaycee Barbecue- Danny-chair: Danny volunteered to host our annual Jaycee Barbecue. We have several leftover fireworks that we will shoot off after the barbecue. Danny said he would set the date at the next meeting. All members are requested to bring food and your beverages to the event and to most importantly HAVE FUN!!!

Chapter Visitations- Eldon requested that we do some chapter visitations. Waverly and Auburn both helped us out a lot during the Tractor Pull and Falls City has given us a lot of help at past Tractor Pulls so we need to visit these chapters. Here's upcoming events they need help: Auburn- Fair Bingo during the week of August 11-13 and Falls City- Tractor Pull, August 8 and Demo Derby, August 9. Waverly already had their big event of the year, Waverlyfest, but Eldon suggested that we make a visitation in October and visit their haunted house. Everyone thought that sounded like a fun time.

Fair Events- We discussed the events that we want to do at this year's Richardson County Fair. Fair Float- we will do a fair float but no ideas came to find of what to do with it. This year's fair theme is "A Family Affair" We need a chairperson for this project. Cutest Baby Contest (Michelle- chair). Michelle volunteered to chair the cutest baby contest. This is always a big money maker for us. Ident-a-Kid- we decided to hold off on Ident-a-Kid, maybe we will do for it for Christmas Window Opening again. Horse Show Concessions- we need to wait to find out if there will be a horse show or just the cattle team penning competition. We decided we will do the concession stand we just need to know if both events will run before ordering food.

Convention Report/Awards- Eldon gave a brief report on convention and handed out the awards that we won at 1st Triad Convention. We received several honors for district, region and state. Congratulations to everyone that received an award.

President Appointment- Michele Veltrop resigned as our President in the month of June. Kari volunteered to step up as President. Welcome President Kari. Vicki will be taking over the Management VP duties through the year, since Michele also had this position.

With no other business, Kari led us in reciting the Jaycee Creed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Eldon D. Russell 2003

2002 Copyright Humboldt Area Jaycees
Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell