Before we get to the fish, let's talk about what it takes to make a pole, then how to actually catch one once you have it made and rigged. The first thing you'll need to make a good pole is a good stick, a good stick is one of the major factors of having a decent pole so you'll want someone good at foraging, they seem to be able to find the nicest sticks. The strength of the different types of sticks are, from weakest to strongest, Cypress, Maple, Walnut, and Bamboo. Of course the better the stick, the harder to find and carve.
After you have the stick you need to get it carved, this of course requires a good carver, someone who is good in gadgets...but even the best carver can't make a good pole out of a shoddy stick, so be sure and have a good stick. Using a carving knife will help you with your carving, but each use dulls the knife and it can wear out rather quickly. These knives give you a carving bonus over using a regular old dagger or sword, I believe they can be bought in Midgard.
Ok, so you have a pole, now you need to get the string and hook. If you have a crude looking cypress pole, you prolly don't want to waste your dinars on heavy line, the line won't break, but the pole while it's best to have the heavy line, it's not always practical. Dealing with hook size...the larger the hook the bigger the mouth has to be to fit around it....the larger the mouth, the bigger the fish, make sense? Good.
And the last factors that play into fishing are level and strength. Not
sure how much they play into it, but it seems the stronger and higher level
you get, the deeper and bigger fish you can catch. So let's recap all
the things that play into fishing...
Wood quality (foraging) + Carving (gadgeteering and knife quality) + Line
and Hook (type and size) + Strength
There's of course the different depths also...shallow, middle, and deep...these
have smaller fish to bigger fish as you get deeper, the bigger the fish the
harder to reel in and the easier to snap a pole or line, also have to watch
for those nasty snags.
Alright, we're ready to fish now. First you need to buy line and a hook FISH LINE to tie the line onto the pole and FISH HOOK to tie the hook onto the line. You may also wish to buy a stringer, these allow you to keep your fish in the water after catching them to keep them fresh. Simply PUT <fish> ON MY STRINGER and DROP the stringer into the water (only you can pick your stringer back up, and yes the janitor will take it if you leave it unsupervised). Next you'll want bait (forage for mayflies, worms, earthworms, crickets, frogs, etc) and then FISH BAIT to bait up the hook and FISH CAST <depth> depth being either SHALLOW, DEEP, or nothing at all will get you to a medium depth. If you don't feel a bite for a long time, FISH STOP and check your bait, a fish may have snagged it.
Now when you think you feel something nibbling on your line you want to PULL your pole to try and set the hook, if you get a snag you'll know it, if you got a fish you'll know it, and if you miss...yes, you'll know it. PULL on your pole to try and free it from a snag...if you got a fish, watch it closely to see what to do when. If it zigs left or right SWING your pole, if it pulls on your pole and bends it PUSH your pole, if it comes toward you and slackens the line PULL your pole, anything else you kinda just let it be. After doing this for a bit you should either catch the fish, lose the fish, snap the line, or snap your pole. If you catch your fish you FISH REMOVE then do with it whatever you like. Measure it, drop it to let it go, run and sell it, or put it on your stringer (some fish are too small to sell without others on a stringer with it). Be careful holding them for too long, they can catch you off guard and hop back into the water straight out of your hands. You attempt to sell your fish by going to the bait supply shop and going into the backroom and giving the fish or stringer to the attendant.
For a little chuckle you can click here to hear Xena explaining her fishing techniques.
Here's a list of a few of the fishing spots I know of:
A Creek in the Flora Circle Neighborhood in Athens SE Quad
A Pond in the Secret Garden in robber and cutthroat area (NW of Piraeus)
A Spring in the Clearing in the robber and cutthroat area (NW of Piraeus)
A Lake past the dire wolves area in Midgard (SE of Gambleyen)
Large fishing area outside the Hippades Gates in SE Quad
Now on to the fish!
Bass (green, largemouth, rock, smallmouth)
- These popular lake fish range in size from 1 to 5 pounds on the average
and can grow up to 20 inches. They are usually golden-brown through
olive to green on the back with lighter sides and cream to milk-white on
the underside. During spring and summer, they concentrate in shallow
bays and on reefs but are essentially a nonmigrating fish; only retreating
to pools, undercut banks or fairly deep water to avoid bright daylight. They
are most active in early morning and evening.
Bluegill - See Sunfish.
Bullhead - The common name for any of several
catfish, especially the species found in many streams in the east. The brown
bullhead dull in color and has a large head, the black bullhead is
Carp - The common carp apparently originated
in China, where many exotic varieties were bred. Carp prefer warm waters,
especially shallow, mud-bottomed lakes. In the winter they become torpid,
stop feeding, and stay near the bottom; in dry spells they may survive for
weeks by burrowing into the mud. As bottom feeders they stir up mud
and uproot vegetation, often driving out other fish; however, they can survive
in stagnant or polluted waters that most fish do not inhabit.
Catfish (channel) - Catfish
are mostly nocturnal scavengers, living near the bottom in shallow waters.
The name catfish is derived from the feelers that extend like cat's whiskers
from each side of the jaw of the fish. The dorsal and pectoral fins are often
edged with sharp spines that are used in defense and can inflict severe wounds.
In some cases they are poisonous. Some catfish reportedly reach weights of
650 pounds and lengths of almost 13 feet. Other unusual varieties include
the cave-dwelling blind catfish, the electric catfish of Africa, and the
Asian walking catfish, which can breathe air and travel over land between
bodies of water.
Chub - Basically just really big minnows,
chubs are widespread in rivers and lakes of Greece and Rome. The name is
most often applied to the larger members of the family. The name is also
applied to unrelated species such as some
Dace (giant, horned) - Dace have pointed
heads and large terminal mouths. This fish has one dorsal fin, a forked
caudal fin, pelvics fins and elongated pectoral fins which are longer on
males than on females. The back of the dace is dark green or blue-green,
below the back there is a gold stripe along the sides, and an orange or red
band underneath. There are blue, green, purple and violet reflections
on the body of this fish which become more intense on males than on females
and intensify during spawning.
Gar (snubnose) - The name commonly
given to certain fish with long, narrow, heavily scaled bodies and bony,
sharp-toothed beaks. These primarily freshwater fish reach lengths of 12
feet. The teeth are needlelike, the dorsal fin sits far back on the
heavily scaled body, and the lung has blood vessels that enable the gar to
breathe in stagnant water. The vertebrae have a ball-and-socket structure
similar to that found in some reptiles. The fish spawn in the spring in large
groups, and their roe is poisonous to many animals, including humans.
Herring (lake) - Herring are characterized
by a single short dorsal fin in the middle of the upper margin of the body
and by an anal fin similarly located below. The head is scaleless, and the
slender body is covered with thin, cycloid scales. Most herring
swim near the surface of the water in huge schools and feed on smaller fish.
Although herring are mostly found in salt water, some migrate into
rivers and spawn in fresh water. Others spawn offshore and release eggs that
float at the surface. Herrings are about 12 inches long when mature and form
a direct link in the food chain. They consume tiny plankton and in turn become
a food source for sharks, sea lions, birds, crabs, seals, whales, and us.
Ketos - In the words of the scale attendant,
"Ketos? Well, I think it's just a rumor. But many anglers have told the story
of a kind of very large fish or serpent--depending upon who tells the story--that
lives in the deepest waters of some of the local
Minnow - This name is usually applied to
any small fish, but technically restricted to fish in the minnow family;
this includes the chub, dace, goldfish, carp, and shiner. Minnows are generally
characterized by a single, usually soft-rayed dorsal fin and one to three
rows of teeth located in the throat. Carp differ from most other minnows,
exhibiting a stiff spine at the leading edge of the dorsal fin and barbels
at the mouth corners. Minnows live in almost all fresh waters in northern
temperate regions.
Paddlefish - Paddlefish evolved nearly 65
million years ago – before upstart modern species such as walleye, trout
and bass appeared on earth. Climates changed; glaciers towered, then shrank.
Through it all, paddlefish swam around – just as they do now –
with their mouths wide open, ramming water down their gullets to feed on
algae and tiny animals called zooplankton. Growing up to 6 feet long,
weighing nearly 150 pounds and propelling a stupendous foot-long snout through
the water, their nearly scaleless, smooth dark forms never fail to astound
Perch (lake, yellow) - A species of bony
fish characterized by two seperate dorsal fins, the front of which is spined.
The common perch is greenish, with dark vertical bars on its sides and
reddish-orange coloring on its lower fins. The somewhat smaller yellow perch
is golden, with orange ventral and anal fins and dark vertical bars on its
Pickerel - Coloring ranges from
olive-brown to golden-brown to yellow on back; paler sides; yellowish white
underside. These fish can weigh up to 5 pounds and measure up to over
2 feet. During the day, these large-finned, brassy-colored fish often
rest on the bottom of lakes, hovering in the shade of submerged objects or
in the shadows of deep water. They emerge at dusk to feed over shallow
weed beds or rocky shoals. In midsummer, they often remain near the bottom,
even at night.
Pike (slimy) - A species of freshwater
fish characterized by elongated bodies and bill-like snouts. The best-known
member is the northern pike, which grows to about 4.5 feet long. Pike
have large, sharp-toothed jaws, silver undersides; and dark green or bronze
backs. Their dorsal and anal fins are set far back toward the tail.
Salmon (king, sockeye, steelhead)
- A fish characterized by an elongate body with a fleshy fin between the
dorsal fin and tail. Most members of the salmon family are valuable food
fish and excellent game fish. They are found in both freshwater and salt
water in the colder regions of the northern hemisphere. Many return from
salt water to freshwater to breed, and the young migrate to salt water after
they reach maturity. Each generation of salmon returns to spawn in exactly
the same breeding places as the generation before it.
Shad - The common name for several species
of fishes related to the herring and sardine. Shad generally inhabit the
sea or brackish waters. All species ascend rivers to spawn in
Sucker - Any of various freshwater fish
characterized by having the mouth below midline, with thick, fleshy lips.
Most suckers are less than 24 inches long. They are dull in color with few
markings, although breeding males may acquire a rosy or orange lateral band.
Suckers obtain food by sucking up mud and organic matter from river bottoms.
Sunfish (green, yellow) -
The name for a variety of unrelated freshwater and marine fish which refers
to a group of freshwater fish related to the bass. Sunfish are brightly colored,
deep-bodied, and rarely exceed 10 inches in length. One well-known species
is the bluegill. Some ocean sunfish may reach up to 11 feet in length.
Tigerfish - The tigerfish is big, powerful,
and well armed, thus making it among the worlds most sought after gamefish.
The impression one gets from viewing these fish, is one of awe, terror,
and mystery, not unlike the feeling of watching a Great White Shark. All
of its fins are pointed, and the teeth look like knives that fit together
in such a way that they can mesh like cutting sheers. All teeth are seen
all the time even when the mouth is completely shut. The entire body is sleek
and designed for speed. Horizontal unbroken black bands run along the
entire body, hence the name tigerfish. The rest of the body is usually a
silver-white-grey, however there is usually a metallic orange or yellow sheen.
Because they have razor sharp knife-like teeth, and extremely strong jaw
muscles, they are among the few fish that can turn the tables on prey the
same size or larger than themselves.
Trout (brook, brown, lake, rainbow) -
Trout is the common name for many species of fish belonging to the salmon
family. Some, called sea trout, swim upriver from the sea to breed. Most
species, however, live exclusively in fresh water of northern regions. The
most widely distributed species is the common brook trout, or speckled brown
trout. The largest of all trout is the lake trout which may weigh 30
pounds or more and is abundant in the freshwater lakes. A trout is
recognized by its large mouth, violet mantle, dark mottlings, and red lateral
spots. The male has a reddish band running along the side of the body.
Rainbow trout are found mostly in lakes and streams and are highly
prized as game fish.
Walleye - Walleye is the common
name for a variety of fish including pickerels and perch. Coloring
ranges from olive-brown to golden-brown to yellow on back; paler sides; yellowish
white underside. These fish can weigh up to 5 pounds and measure up
to over 2 feet. During the day, these large-finned, brassy-colored
fish often rest on the bottom of lakes, hovering in the shade of submerged
objects or in the shadows of deep water. They emerge at dusk to feed
over shallow weed beds or rocky shoals. In midsummer, they often remain near
the bottom, even at night.
Whitefish - These prized lake fish have
been reported to weighup to 20 pounds and live for nearly 30 years. They
are silvery with a pale greenish-brown back and clear fins. Lake whitefish
usually feed along the bottom and school in cold, deep