Web-page Visitor - Share your brain with fLoyD D'ammytte: Gunslinger by using this...
...Respond-Online Panel...
If you have a running ICQ client (you have ICQ):
...you can Chat Me, ICQ-Me and/or Add Me to your contact list. Netscape Users: if you are prompted to Pick App or Save File, select Pick App and browse to the location of your ICQ.EXE file (usually in C:\Program Files\ICQ\ICQ.EXE). Internet Explorer Users: if you are prompted to Open or Save As, select Open.
If you don't have an ICQ client:
...you can press the Page Me button to send me an ICQ message through my Personal Communication Center; the Zoom Me button to view my ICQ Whitepages details; and the EmailNotify Me button to send me an e-mail and notify me by ICQ. If I'm online, the message will pop up on my screen; if I am offline, it will be stored and forwarded to me as soon as I connect to the Internet. Installing the ICQ client will enable you: to know whether your friends are online; and to communicate directly with them. Use of the ICQ Respond-Online Panel is subject to the Terms and Conditions.