Is That So Bad?

***You're being selfish
   You're being ignorant
   You're being unreasonable
That's how I used to feel
Opportunity was knocking at my door
And you wouldn't let me answer it
Now I realize that it was only a matter of time
Before the obvious was known to me
***I was being selfish
   I was being ignorant
   I was being unreasonable
I thought I could have a chance to be somebody
I thought I could be known world-wide
Maybe that was the problem
Did I think too much about things that could never be?
A two-hour drive was all that separated my goal and me
But it doesn't matter anyway because
***I am being selfish
   I am being ignorant
   I am being unreasonable
Maybe a time will come when this will all change for me
A time when I can stretch far enough
To reach my dreams
But until that time comes 
I need to stop being depressed about what could be
And start striving for what will be

How can I be so blind to others?
I'm wondering to myself about why this can't happen for me
Why I can't go for my goals
When I should be wondering about why I'm fifteen 
And still don't have a boyfriend
Although that's a different story altogether
My time to shine will come soon enough
It will... right?
***I don't think I'm being selfish 
   I don't think I'm being ignorant
   I don't think I'm being unreasonable
I am simply a girl going for her dreams
Is that so bad?

^~^ This is another supposed-to-be-a-song-but-I-can't-get-the-music-
    to-go-with-it poems.. 

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