I Can't Leave

Your eyes
Pools of chocolate milk drunk in by my love
Your hair
Soft as a teddy bear waiting to be hugged
Your arms
The moat around my castle
***That's the way I used to feel
   Before the abuse started
   But now all I see when I look into your eyes
   Is anger
   And all I want to do is cry because I know this is not the way you 
       want to be
You try
To make it up to me by buying me gifts and flowers
You think
I'll forget all the pain you've caused
What you don't understand
Is while bruises will heal, I'm scarred inside forever
***This is how I feel
   Now the abuse has started
   When I look in your eyes
   I see the rage you take out on me
   But I know you can't help it and I'm willing to help if you want 
       me to
I help
But you don't like what I do so you hit me
I can't fight back
Because I'm afraid of the damage I will cause
I can't leave
I don't want you to be alone
I know I should do something, but I'm afraid of the consequences
***This is how I am
   I can't stop the abuse
   I can tell when you're going to hurt me by the look in your eyes
   And I don't know what to do
I'm fighting a loosing battle...
I don't know what to do

^~^ Yep, here's another one! 

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