Come On

There are so many guys to choose from...

There's a slicked back hair guy
With a comb in his hand
And a leather jacket on his bike
How many guys do you know
Only in love with themselves
I mean, come on, you don't need to act like
Fonzie to get my attention

There's a big haired brain guy
With pencils in both hands
(And) Encyclopedias memorized
How many guys do you know
Knowingly intelligent
I mean, come on, you don't need to act like
Einstein to get my attention

There's a tall, buff, jock guy
With his weights in one hand
And a scholarship on his shoulders
How many guys do you know
Live for his favorite sport
I mean, come on, you don't need to act like
Marino to get my attention

I know so many guys
Who think they need to act
For me to like them
They pretend for me
They change for me
Then they expect me 
To suddenly fall head over heels
Well, that's not how it works
I'm out for a guy who acts like himself
And no one else

There's a dancin' crazed guy
With the latest dance steps 
And those shoes on his feet dancing them
How many guys do you know
Know every step to every song
I mean, come on, you don't need to act like
Michael to get my attention

You don't need to act like Michael to get
my attention

Or Marino
Or Einstein
Or Fonzie

If you want my attention...
Don't act 

Email Me

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