
I miss you 
When you're gone
I love you 
When you're near
I cry
When you're sad
I listen 
When you need an ear
I smile
When you're happy
I guide you 
When you're full of fear

Even though you're so far away
Nothing can stop me
From loving you
You've loved me
When I needed love
I have to give something back
So this is my gift...

I'll miss you
When you're gone
I'll love you
When you're near
I'll cry
When you're sad
I'll listen 
When you need an ear
I'll smile
When you're happy
I'll guide you 
When you're full of fear

There's something between us
That'll never go away
A bond, I know
It'll always be there
How do I know?
Because we're still friends
No matter what we've gone through
Do you?...

Miss me 
When I'm gona
Love me
When I'm near
When I'm sad
When I need an ear
When I'm happy
Guide me
When I'm full of fear

We've dealt with so much 
And told each other about it
I love our communication
It's what keeps us together
What we need to do
To always get through this
Is to promise that we'll

Miss each other
When we're gone
Love each other
When we're near
When we're sad
When we need an ear
When we're happy
Guide each other 
When we're full of fear

Once everything is over
And we're happy and healthy again
We can finally know...
We won't ever miss each other
Becuse we'll always be in each others hearts
We won't ever stop loving each other
Because there's no reason for any hatred
We'll never cry from sadness
Because there's nothing to be sad about
We'll always listen to each other
Because that's the best panacea
We'll always smile
Because we have nothing to frown about
We'll always guide each other
Because we trust each other so well
And that will finally never change

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