
Yes, this poems did used to be called "Him", but because of my slight modifications, I had to rename it so it would make sense. I just wanted to tell you guys so ya wouldn't think that I got rid of a poem, k? k! Love, Jessica

Names were called
From 5th grade on 
She didn't know what she did
To make him throw the names she was constantly hit with
And she wanted to know why she had to feel all the pain

She used to yell back at him
And wish him to stop
That only encouraged him to continue
He knew she was hurting inside
And hurting her more filled him with great joy

Now the truth is known
You only tease to please
I brushs the insults off
And ignores the fool that puts them there
Because I know that everything you says about me
Is only true about one person...

^~^::sniff, sniff:: This is about me.  Don't you feel bad for me? No,
I'm just joshin' ya! But it did hurt to be teased.. and I was teased,
believe me! But anyway... 

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