A Sacred Trust

On the verge of tears
I betrayed you of a sacred trust
A trust that I didn't know I had
You never said not to talk to him
I just wanted to help one of my friends

If I knew things would turn out this way,
You know I wouldn't have done it
I didn't mean the turmoil I caused
But you didn't tell me all the rules

I can't help
That I am
Full of nervousness
You can't see my pencil shake as I write this
Or my voice quiver when I read it
All you care is he may be mad at you
You don't care how I feel about what I did


You didn't tell me what he does and doesn't know
My question is
Doesn't the blame belong on you as much as it does me?
You said you want me to leave you alone
I don't think it's possible to go about my life
Without knowing what I caused
I feel like crying
I'm depressed all day
And all I wish is that you know this

It wil take a while for you to realize
What I did was not on purpose
The only thing I can hope for is...

Cause I
Didn't mean
To betray a sacred trust

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