
Problems arose
They couldn't be handled
Plans were made,
But none discussed
So many questions
Who do I ask?
When will I again see the face
Of the father who left so fast?

If happiness is the remedy for depression
Give me a huge dose
Because this depression is here to stay
Whether or not I show it on the outside

A month has passed 
The pain is still there
It has shifted gears
From hurt and confusion
To anger and frustration
I can't imagine why
No letters have been written
No phone calls have been made
How do you have the nerve
To run out of our lives?

If happiness is a remedy for depression
Give me a huge dose
Because this depression is here to stay
Whether of not I show it on the outside

I haven't the slightest clue 
As to where this road will go
But I'm taking it anyway
Because everything else is a dead end
Hopefully I won't encounter too many bumps along the way
But some way
Some how
I'm going to find the answers to my questions
No matter what it takes

If happiness is a remedy for depression
Give me a huge dose
Because this depression is here to stay
Whether of not I show it on the outside

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