
I don't want to love him
But how can I not
His eyes
His smile
His wonderful presence
Lead me to believe
My feelings deceive
The pain he put me through
is everlasting
The strife I went through
Is unforgettable
And yet
In some way
I can't help it
I want to be around him
My heart skips a beat 
When he walks in the room
My hands clench
When I think of what he caused
How can he do this to me?
He knows how I feel
But it has to be different
Because my feelings change
And I don't need you anyway
But I want to love you

*^*At the end where I went to using "you" instead of "him", I was 
kind of inferring that the whole time she was saying this to the 
person she loves but hates.  I guess like saying "my friend has this 
friend who did such and such and she doesn't know what to do. Do you 
have any ideas?", and then saying "by the way, the person was me and 
the friend was you".  Did you understand that?  I think it's kind of 
confusing cause as I'm typing this I'm confusing myself, but ya 
know.  K! Just thought I would point that out.  Adios! Love, 

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