How I Feel

you make me feel
you inspire me
you break the seal
and provoke me
you help me live
you make me want
you tell me things
and ask for help
you listen to me
you ask me to listen
you make me cry
and smile too
you are the one
you inspire me greatly
you are a great friend
and I am grateful
you don't seem to know it
you don't seem to care
you don't seem to say it
and I know you want to
you make me wish
you knew who you were
you make me think
and make me speak
you let me tell you
how I feel
you let me ask you
how you feel
you know I love you
love you like a sister 
you know I'll stay
and be here when you need me
I think of ivy when 
I think of you
always beautiful
but sometimes upset
you seem to get out of control
and do things unhealthy
you don't know
that I'll miss you
if you leave me
I write these words for you
and only you
I love you 
and miss you
you inspire me
you make me a better person
you taught me a lesson
and I won't forget it
you may not know
you taught me
you did, though
and this is what you said
"you don't understand
you wouldn't understand
you haven't felt 
what I have felt"
you said these words
I thought about them
and now I know
what you meant
you showed me 
to be more open
in how people think
and how people live
for that I am grateful
and forever thankful
I love you

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