What would happen?

If everything you hated was taken away from you
What would be left to love?
They say they hate school, so it's taken away
Who would get an education?
They say they hate the teachers; they're gone
Who's left to teach?
They say they hate their parents, but if they are taken away,
Would you have been born?
If we took everything away that we hated,
Their would be nothing left to love
Everybody hates something,
Maybe another person,
Maybe a place,
Maybe something about you
It doesn't mean to take it away will make everything better
In reality it may make things worse
Because one person's trash 
Is another person's treasure
We must learn to love the things we hate
Then maybe we won't hate them as much

^~^ Another poem.. I wonder why people hate things that they
     shouldn't hate?

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