Dr. John C. Flinn and
Susan McGuire's Story of their life during
the Civil War
Medon, Tennessee - Where Susan McGuire
Flinn was from
Flinn Information from the
collection of Roy Black Snr
Flinn Family (1) in an Genealogy
Outline Format
Dr. John Carroll
Flinn - My Great Great Grandfather
Susan Frances McGuire - John Carroll
Flinn's wife and my Great Great Grandmother |James
McGuire her dad and Ishmael Bailey her
Mary Jane Flinn My Great Grand Mother
's Picture,
Thomas Henry Flinn
my Great Grand Uncle
Patrick Hardy Flynn
my Great Grand Uncle
George R FLINN,
1860-1931 one of
John Carroll Flinn's sons and my Great Grand Uncle brief account
of his life
Charles L. Flinn 1866 - 1945
, my Great Grand
Robbed by C.W. Flinn
John E Flinn Correspondence
the opening of the Taft
Ranch in San Patricio County
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times since 2/11/01
Page Created 2/99
Marvin Schubert
Copyright © 1999 [Jack's Publication Enterprises]. All rights
Revised: October 25, 2003.