Isaiah Flinn
Some of what we know about Isaiah Flinn is outlined at the story about the Flinn Family.
Below are addition facts that help build a reference point for understanding who he was.
(Mrs.) Crutcher Tims), Medon R- , Tenn. Sunday April 22, 1949
Information Regarding Pioneer Family Sought
Bolivar Bulletin, Thursday, November 10, 1949
Bolivar was a rough and ready frontier town in 1830 Settlers were moving in each day, buying, giving their note to cover the mortgage on the merchandise in their establishment or stock on their farm and seeing it foreclosed without mercy or red—tape within a year or so, then moving on to Mississippi, to Arkansas, to Texas.
Those were the days when many a man was ruined by going on the bond of his neighbor or friend. And in 1830 Bolivar, Tennessee, the man who handled those mortgages, notes and foreclosures was ISAIAH FLINN, a gentleman and a scholar who was probably more familiar with ancient Greek and Latin than most of us are with our own language.
He had a close friend, Dr. William G. Teague, (If Wm. was the same William Gaston Teague of Bolivar, then he would have been Isaiah’s brother-in-law as well). When Isaiah died in 1838, Dr. Wm. Teague settled his estate, even going to Holley Springs, Miss., where Isaiah had a small bank account, to see about the account there.
During the coarse of the probate, Dr. Teague sold his friend’s old clock to RHODA FLINN (Widow of Isiaiah Flinn and daughter of John C. Teague of Clover Creek Baptist Church neighborhood --- Roy W. Black, Snr.)
Many years went by, the family of Isiaiah was scattered to the winds, the northern soldiers went through Bolivar, Tenn. and burned the courthouse; all records in the estate of Isiaiah Flinn were destroyed except the record of the little bank account at Holley Springs, and the sale of the little clock to Rhoda. (Actually the disposition of other properties are accounted for in Isiaiah ‘s Will. It is possible that the writer of this document was not aware that the document existed)
Rhoda was apparently a Teague and married Isiaiah Flinn. The 1850 census records reflect Rody (Rhoda) with children John, and Elizabeth, William, and Franklin living with her father, John C. Teague in Hardeman County, Tenn. (The writer of this document goes on to explore what may have happen to the Flinn children, as they were not identified in the 1870 census records) The writer asks, were these Flinns children or grandchildren of Old Isaiah Flinn? And what became of them?
Editors note: John Carroll Flinn was in the process of moving to Texas in 1869. Elizabeth married Joseph Gray Walton and probably was living in the Hardeman County area. William was living in Holley Springs, Mississippi, by the 1880 Census. David is identified in the 1870 census as residing in Henderson County Tennessee. He is listed as David F Flynn. (Page 14 of Henderson County 1870 Census records) He is listed as age 33 and his occupation is Farmer. His Wife Rachel is identified as age 26, birthplace Tenn. The value of the Real estate they own is 500.00 dollars. They have two children in the home. Mary J., age 1 and Felix H. age 3/12.
The writer notes that William Henry and his wife, Mary Ann (Nicolson) Flinn died in Holley Spring in 1896. The writer goes on to ask what became of John Flinn, and Rhoda (Rody), of Elizabeth and Franklin Flinn?
The family of John C. Teague, Dr. Wm. G. Teague, or James B. Teague and A. L. Teague may know, and many old—timers around here may have T the history of these other Flinns at their fingertips and can unravel this mystery.
It’s going to mean an inheritance for some folks who probably don’t know that they are related and that this inheritance is going a begging.
The firm of Moore & Dobkins, Burk, Burnett Bldg., Ft. Worth, Texas, is asking for your help.
(Transcribed from clippings from said paper, loaned. by Mrs. Millie Timms, nee Teague, now Mrs. Chrutcher Timms, and MEDON R- TENN. this 5th May 1962 by Roy W. Black, Snr., Bolivar, Tenn.
TEAGUE FAMILY DATA FROM MILLIE (TEAGUE) TIMMS Mrs. Crutcher Timms, Daughter of Pitser Miller, granddaughter of William G. and great granddaughter of John Teague and grand niece of Rhoda (Teague) Flinn, sister of William G. and daughter of John Teague
Theses notes are excerpts from Roy W. Black Snr. Paper and are on file at the Tennessee State Archives
As we look at Isaiah Flin more closely, this is what we find.
The 1830 TN Census records reflect him living in Hardeman County
Isaiah Flin- Hardeman County, TN - 10011-0001 page 375,
The household consist of 4 individuals.
1 male age 0-5 - This may be John Flinn
1 male 15-20 who was the other individual?
1 male 20-30 -Should be Isaiah age 22
1 female age 15-20 - presumable Rhoda nee Teague Flinn age 17
Note that the family name was spelled Flin rather than Flinn at this time and was Flin up until the time of John Flinn's marriage to Susan.
Other Flinns listed in Tennessee Census Records
Isaiah Flin- Hardeman County, TN - 10011-0001 page 375, 1 male
15-20 and another male 20-30
Martin Flinn - Hardeman Co, TN - 200001-00001 , Oldest Male age
30-40 - Martin is the only other Flinn living in Hardeman Co and
could be a sibling of Isaiah? page 352
Eastern TN
Rial Flin - Eastern TN
Joseph Flinn - "
Sarah Flinn - "
William Flinn - "
James Flinn - "
Nancy Flinn - "
Peter Flinn - "
Loughlin - "
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Page created 4/30/99
Revised: March 24, 2001.