The following are document that were made available to me in my research of James Emery Hutto


by Hugh Davenport

The man for whom the town of Hutto, Texas, was named was born to John Castleberry and Nancy Holliday Hutto in Greenville, South Carolina, on May 8, 1824. In 1830, the family moved to Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama, where his mother dies in 1836, when James Emery was twelve years old.

After a few years, he joined a group of twenty five persons immigrating to Texas which arrived January 16, 1847 and settled at Webber's Prairie near Austin. James Emery Hutto was a very capable and industrious person and immediately became involved in development of the Central Texas area as well as providing for himself and the family he and Margaret Hughes or Alabama had began after their marriage in Texas, and this may indicate she came to Texas at the same time J.E. did. He had helped George Glassock in building the first grist mill in Georgetown and was present when the town was staked off and the first election was held in 1848.

Mr. Hutto moved his family to Williamson County in 1854 and whether by foresight or chance he selected land which provided the townsite for the town of Hutto when the I. & .G Railroad passed through his property some years later. He was possibly preceded in the immediate vicinity by Adam Orgain, a freed slave of the Orgain family who owned land not far removed. Also soon after James E. Hutto settled in the area, other settlers acquired land for cattle raising and farming cotton and grains, especially in the area to the southeast where the small settlement of Shiloh was in existence. Early settlers in the area near the town to ___* who had considerable acreage were Hugh Goodwin, W. H. Farley, Sr. , and his bachelor brother F. F. Farley.

In 1876, when the railroad came through the area, Mr. Hutto sold fifty acres of land to the Texas Land Co. of New York for a townsite, reserving five acres of the tract as a gift for the International and Great Northern Railroad right-of-way through the town.

Mr. Hutto was a very successful operator and a respected civic leader in the community where he was active in church and school activities. When a Post Office was established in 1877, he was appointed Postmaster.

Mr. Hutto and his wife, Margaret had a family of six sons and three daughters, all of whom, except the last child Mary, reached adulthood in the Hutto community. On May 27, 1881, his wife, Margaret, mother of all known descendants, died and was buried along side the youngest daughter, Mary M., in the Shiloh Cemetery some three miles southeast of the town of Hutto, Texas. After about two years, later, Mr. Hutto, then fifty seven years of age, married Mrs. Nancy Jones. In 1885, he sold his holdings in cattle, land and home and moved to Waco where it is understood that the former Mrs. Jones had some relatives and where he planned to go into the Implement business. 1(Nancy M. Jones Hutto -wife of J.E. - Apr 7,1836-Feb 7,1892, information from the Oakwood Cemetery book ; Oakwood Cemetery in Waco, Texas )

It is not clear what interest Mr. Hutto had for the next few years as the Waco City directory of 1830 listed him only as a resident at the corner of North 18th and Barron Streets. The next two years, a partnership of sorts, was listed with a Thomas H. Killingsworth. Then from 1832 through 1897, James E. Hutto Sr., was listed as operating an Agricultural Implement business including carriages, wagons and buggies at 110 South 8th Street.

Mr. Hutto's second wife died February 7, 1892, at approximately the same time that he started his Implement business. On May 5, 1894, he married again. This time to Mrs. Helen A. Wilder who outlived him by some two months after his death April 29, 1914, only nine days short of his ninetieth birthday. Her death came on June 27, 1914. James E. Hutto Sr., his second wife and third wife, are buried on the same lot in Oakwood cemetery in Waco, Texas. 1( Helen A. Hutto - May 15, 1844 - June 27,1914, information from the Oakwood Cemetery book ; Oakwood Cemetery in Waco, Texas )

In 1907, James E. Hutto Sr. made an application for a Confederate Pension on the basis that his health and his age, 83 years, prevented him from earning an income and that his finances were very strained. The application for the pension was signed by James Saul and Sterling Orgain who lived in the Hutto community and served with him in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. The pension, however, was turned down on the basis that his wife had a small acreage in East Waco and it was not believed that he was in dire need.

Upon his death, an obituary from a Waco paper was lavish in its remarks regarding Mr. Hutto's character, his activities in church and charities and the caliber of his friends in the Waco area.

The following was originally a foreword to the above article:

Few know of the man that our town was named after. Our heritage will be lost without the help of our people in preserving it.

If you might have any old photos, diaries or other documents related to the history of our town, please contact Hugh Davenport or leave the information with the Hutto Heritage Office. Thank you

Also associated with is article ( which evidently was prepared in Hutto Texas) was a photo of J.E. Hutto

Source :The above article was made available by family members ,* Due to the quality of the document, this was unreadable

Copy of the Tayor Times Centennial Edition of the newspaper, "Taylor Times" 1848 -1948

Hutto Old Timers Remember "When"

Town was one of the Best Business sites in Central-Texas

The first stores in Williamson county were owned by Josish (SP) Taylor of Shiloh own the Brushy in 1848 just three miles south east of Hutto, and by Neison Morey (Morey) , whose store was on the north side of Brushy. Hutto was not established until many years later but the little store was a nucleus first at Shiloh and later at Rice’s Crossing; for a community and the of Hutto's first citizens came from that area.


The railroad came through Hutto in 1876, and during the 1880's a small community began to appear.

Hutto Family

In 1855, J. E. Hutto came to Williamson county where he engaged in cattle raising. He became one of the wealthy cattlemen of the county, residing in the Hutto community until 1885, when he moved to Waco and entered the hardware business. It was for Mr. Hutto that the town was named, and a number of his children remained in the community, some of his descendants still living there. The children of J. E. Hutto were, J.H, J.E., W.T., C.W., H.E., R.B., Mrs. J. Sam Monday (Minetara Ellen Hutto), and Mrs. John A. Blanton (Nettie Hutto ).

R.B. Hutto was born in 1857 and who up on his fathers ranch assisting his father until he reached maturity, when he with into the cattle business for himself. He later put land into cultivation to become interested in cotton forming. R.B.’s children, according to biographical sketches in 1993 were Willis, Jennie, and May.

The late Ben Hutto had the following children: Mrs. Sid Miller of Hutto, Mrs. Henry Kyle of Hutto, Bennie Hutto, who have a store their: Lady’s daughter, and Price, another sort, Willis, another son, is deceased in his wife lives in Austin.

Other Early Settlers

In 1854, William T. Evans arrived, pitching his tent nerve on a farm on Brushy Creek on Christmas day of that year. For many years he was engaged in cattle dealings and drove stock to Kansas,New Orleans and other points. For 4 years during the Civil War he drove for the Confederate army.

James Saul settled on brushy creek about 1865, and his son J.F. Saul now living in Hutto, remembers attending school in Hutto in 1885, going about 3 miles from his home to the school house. He moved to Hutto proper in 1867 third

Mr. Saul remembers a Dr. Flinn who practiced at Hutto in it’s earliest days. J. F or (P.) Saul was born in 1870 and Mrs. Dr. Flinn officiated at his birth -- " I believe I was the first child she brought to the world, " he said

The Flinns had a son Dr. J. Flinn who also practiced the later .

Doctors there in the 90s included Dr. Percy , Harper , Bowitn, How__, and Mc Cowan, and a Dentist named George Bruce.

Judge Hugh Goodwin came to Hutto in 1877 planning to raise sheep. He decided to farm instead, and so began this occupation. His Daughter , Mrs. Phillip Davenport now of Hutto, indicates her father was called "Judge" by all that knew him. for this reason.... it was said he could look at a person and tell how much money he had in his pocket! To complete the record of his family , Phillip Davenport , now a retired farmer, came to Hutto in 1896 with his mother and father , a minister, and later married Huida Goodwin. The Davenport son, Hugh, manages the farm and raises pure bred stock.... END

Source: As best I could decipher the Copy of a copy of a probable copy of the "Tayor Times" Centennial Edition of the newspaper, "Taylor Times" 1848 -1948, made available by family members.The accuracy of some of this document is questionable based on the limits of my ability to interpret

Discussion on the Pronunciation of Hutto

Friday, January 19, 2001

As to the pronunciation of Hutto... After giving it a few minutes thought, I believe that I would pronounce both "t"s (as in Hut toe). But I probably get lazy sometimes and pronounce it with a single t (as in Hut oh) or even the occasional Hud doe.

Quoting from a letter from John Renfro Hutto:

 "Jasper¹s letter also states that Huttos are scattered all over S. C., especially in the south. Some telephone directories have whole pages devoted to "Hutto Listings". Among them are laborers, farmers, doctors lawyers, teachers, preachers, bank officials and etc. He states that in some localities the name is pronounced Hutt-o and in others Hut-to, with emphasis on the last syllable. Besides my family, I have met six other Hutto families in Texas. All pronounce the name Hut-to. I have been told that some people around Hutto, Texas pronounce the name Hutt-o. When I passed through the town in 1903, the porter called it "Huddo." Uncle Henry born in 1820 received from his father, born in 1793, the pronunciation of Hut-to. Another observation, if my brother Webster, lives to be 81 he will see the 140th anniversary of our father's birth and will be the "few" in America who can say, "My great-grandfather fought in George Washington¹s Army." Two outstanding characteristics of our family are: honesty and home ownership. The Lord forbid that we destroy the good name! John R. Hutto, July 4th, 1950." (Note, he lived for many years in Abilene, Texas. wdp)

Fred Hutto

1 Information from the Oakwood Cemetery book:
J.E. (James Emery) Hutto - May 8,1824-Apr 29,1914
Helen A. Hutto - May 15, 1844 - June 27,1914
Nancy M. Jones Hutto -wife of J.E. - Apr 7,1836-Feb 7,1892

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