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Ah, another Winter arrives, and so does the latest issue of JACKIE!. What's that,? It's Spring already? My how time flies. Well, welcome to the latest issue anyway. There hasn't been too much news lately, so in this issue you will find information about several new CD releases featuring Jackie's music, including one brand-new compilation from EMI. A full review will be included in the next issue, but we have managed to include the track listing in this issue. It features 24 tracks, spanning Jackie's entire Liberty & Imperial career, plus some tracks from her 1971 Capitol LP "Songs." Many of the tracks have never appeared on CD before. But it is a strange track listing. I'm sure we all have our favorite tracks that we'd include on our own compilations if asked for our opinions. If you could choose 24 tracks for a Jackie DeShannon compilation CD, what would they be? Write to the JDSAS address or email to and we will print them in the next issue.
Also in this issue is a discussion of the latest installement in our "Hits of the Genius" CDs of cover versions of Jackie's songs. This third volume features mostly '60s recordings, many of which Jackie never recorded herself (at least not commercially.) This CD may be ordered for $15 (or £10) through the JDSAS website, or by sending a check to the JDSAS addresses below.
So go ahead and enjoy these features and the rest this issue has to offer. And enjoy the Spring!
Publisher & Editor (USA) - William George
Founder & Contributing Editor (UK) - Peter Lerner
Webmaster - Alan Rickards
Archivist - Mark Tyler
US Address - 2518 21st Street #2, Astoria, NY 11102
UK Address - 4 Victoria Gardens, Marlowe Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1SY
Website -
(but then if you are reading this you would know that!)