Welcome to the Uryamocrat rendezvous! We Uryamocrats are fighters for justice and spreaders of Jollification. We hope you will join our group! We will give you a brief history of the Uryamocratism, what we are trying to accomplish, and why you should join us.

What is "Uryamocrat"?

'Uryamocrat' comes from the ancient Incan word meaning "I'm going to impale your dog on this post and spit on the corpse after I'm done laughing really, really hard" But what exactly are the Uryamocrats? Well, were a political party, you moron.

History of Uryamocracy

Uryamocrats came about before written history, so there is no exact date as to when it all first started. We're assuming it's on the birthday of one of the popes, though, and if it's connected to a pope, how could it be bad? Most likely Uryamocratic views came to life sometime around the Mesozoic period..way back when uryamosaurus rex roamed the earth, and they started to spread the joys of jollification!

What are we trying to accomplish?!?!?!

The way of the Uryamocrat, the very center of its existence, is based on the spreading of jollification, and saving the felis aspersa (common garden snat) from extinction. We give each member a snat seed                 , to plant in the ground so that more snats can grow and prosper! ::giddy laugh::

Here are just a few of the things we would like to see happen:

To make it so DBZ doesn't suck so damn much
To see the snats of the world living in peace and harmony, protected by law
That jollification is spread throughout the world, and eventually, throughout the universe
For all of the people of the world to have a fake Jamaican accent, just like our idol, Miss Cleo

I don't feel like typing anymore, so join us, freak.
Do you want this baby snat to DIE?