Wacky Writer's Links from Week ending 11/29/1998
Wacky Writer's Links from Week ending 11/29/1998
Wacky Writer's Links from Week ending 11/06/1998
The ORIGINAL web page for WACKY WRITER'S WORLD: Includes the underlying philosophy for WACKY WRITER'S WORLD as well as links of interest.
Writer On Line: Okay - here's a shameless plug. The January Issue of Writer On Line will include my "Hamlet's Soliloquy for Writers" - If it's not there on January 1, it will be there sometime during the month. Let me know what you think! End of Shameless Plug.
The Mark Twain Papers and Project: The Wacky Writer's Quote of the week comes from Mark Twain. Stop by this site to get the scoop on Mr. Twain, aka Samuel Langhorne Clemens - includes letters written to national and international figures, as well as just plain folk. Very interesting.
FACSNET: Excellent site - find background information on today's hot news topics - a good hangout for journalists.
The Slot - A Spot for Copy Editors: Have you ever wondered what a Copy Editor does? Bill Walsh's site can provide you with the answers. Also of interest at this site is Bill's take on Style Manuals, "The Curmudgeon's Style Book"
T'ai Chi Chuan: Okay, so the New Year is upon us. Some of you have made resolutions to be healthier in 1999. T'ai Chi Chuan is a very relaxing form of exercise that might fit into your lifestyle. Take a look, learn more about it, and enjoy the cool music at this website as a bonus!
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Need to tone up your grammar? Have a burning question you want to ask? This site can take care of both. Enjoy!
Beatrice: Have you ever wondered where today's authors get their inspiration? What stories are behind the stories? What you need to do to become a published writer? Ron Hogan's interviews of tons of authors are presented with style at this great site! Visually pleasing, well-written and conducted interviews - they're just begging for you to pull up a chair and settle down for a few hours of reading - well worth the time!
The Flying Inkpot's Zine Scene: Excellent resource for numerous online zines. Take a look at the markets available for parodies and satire, among fifteen or twenty other categories
Rod McKuen's Home Page : One of my favorite poets is Rod McKuen. Stop by his website and see what's going on today. The cool thing here is the new entries by Rod each day.
Lonely Planet: This clickable map brings up various destinations for virtual tours - includes information about different countries, cultures, traditions, etc. - Very good source of information
Roland Baric's Bookroom: I know, I know - Roland's site was here last week - but he's such a nice guy, I decided to list him again this week. He is truly trying to get his site up and running with more content - so if you have something to contribute, or would just like to drop by and say hello, he'd like to hear from you. Roland Baric, a Croatian writer and webmaster, has started a site for writers and other creative people. Available in many different languages, Roland's site offers a view of the future for his fellow Croatian writers - in a country of 5 million people, about two percent have access to the internet. Roland needs writers to submit poetry, letters, essays, or stories to post at his site. Visit his charming pages and drop him a line. Tell him Jo sent you.