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Saving Private Lynch: Take 2 -The rescue was pure Hollywood, reportedly a bit of Pentagon fiction.
Robert Scheer

After a thorough investigation, the British Broadcasting Corp. has presented a shocking dissection of the "heroic" rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch, as reported by the U.S. military and a breathless American press.

"Her story is one of the most stunning pieces of news management ever conceived," the BBC concluded - the polite British way of saying "liar, liar, pants on fire."

Though the Bush administration's shamelessly trumped-up claims about Iraq's alleged ties to Al Qaeda and 9/11 and its weapons of mass destruction take the cake for deceitful propaganda - grand strategic lies that allow the United States' seizure of Iraq's oil to appear to be an act of liberation - the sad case of Lynch's exploitation at the hands of military spinners illustrates that the truth once again was a casualty of war.

Sadly, almost nothing fed to reporters about either Lynch's original capture by Iraqi forces or her "rescue" by U.S. forces turns out to be true… Lynch was neither shot nor stabbed, but rather suffered accident injuries when her vehicle overturned. A medical checkup by U.S. doctors confirmed the account of the Iraqi doctors, who said they had carefully tended her injuries, a broken arm and thigh and a dislocated ankle, in contrast to U.S. media reports that doctors had ignored Lynch.

Another report spread by news organizations nationwide claimed Lynch was slapped by an Iraqi security guard, and the U.S. military later insisted that an Iraqi lawyer witnessed this incident and informed them of Lynch's whereabouts.

His credibility as a source, however, is difficult to verify because he and his family were whisked to the U.S., where he was immediately granted political asylum and has refused all interview requests. His future was assured with a job with a lobbying firm run by former Republican Rep. Bob Livingstone that represents the defense industry and a $500,000 book contract with HarperCollins, a company owned by Rupert Murdoch, whose Fox network did much to hype Lynch's story, as it did the rest of the war.

the truth appears to be that not only had Iraqi forces abandoned the area before the rescue effort but that the hospital's staff had informed the U.S. of this and made arrangements two days before the raid to turn Lynch over to the Americans. "But as the ambulance, with Pvt. Lynch inside, approached the checkpoint, American troops opened fire, forcing it to flee back to the hospital. The Americans had almost killed their prize catch," the BBC reported.

"We were surprised," Dr. Anmar Uday told the BBC about the supposed rescue. "There was no military, there were no soldiers in the hospital. It was like a Hollywood film. [The U.S. forces] cried 'Go, go, go,' with guns and blanks without bullets, blanks and the sound of explosions," Uday said. "They made a show for the American attack on the hospital - [like] action movies [starring] Sylvester Stallone or Jackie Chan."

The Lynch rescue story - a made-for-TV bit of official propaganda - will probably survive as the war's most heroic moment, despite proving as fictitious as the stated rationales for the invasion itself. -Robert Scheer

Lynches Say They Can't Discuss POW Rescue ALLISON BARKER The Associated Press Thursday, May 29, 2003; 11:44 AM
PALESTINE, W.Va. - American POW Pfc. Jessica Lynch's parents said Thursday they are not permitted to discuss details of their daughter's capture and rescue in Iraq.

Greg and Deadra Lynch also said they couldn't comment on media reports that dispute military information released on Lynch's April 1 rescue from an Iraqi hospital....MORE

Homeland Security Department Used to Track Texas Democrats
Glenn W. Smith OpEdNews.com May 15, 2003
Republicans in Washington and Austin, Texas apparently used a Homeland Security Department agency to track Texas Democratic legislators who left the state to block passage of a GOP-backed Congressional redistricting bill.

This is the same Homeland Security Department that is supposed to be making America safe from foreign terrorists. It's the agency we were told would never be used for domestic political purposes.

"The agency received a call to locate a specific Piper turboprop aircraft. It was determined that the plane belonged to former House Speaker Pete Laney." Laney is one of the Democrats who is fighting against the redistricting bill.

The newspaper said, "Laney's plane proved to be a key piece of information because, (Republican House Speaker) Craddick said, it's how he determined that the Democrats were in Ardmore. 'We called someone, and they said they were going to track it. I have no idea how they tracked it down,' Craddick said. 'That's how we found them.'"

State troopers have followed the Democrats wives, parents and children. Troopers even staked out a hospital where one lawmaker's premature twins are being cared for. Staffers have been harassed. All this has happened after the location of the Democrats was known.

Now, in a chilling revelation, we discover the Homeland Security Department was apparently used to try and track the Democrats' whereabouts.

Americans deserve to know the details of this scandal. And they deserve to know them now.

Texas Department of Public Safety Destroys Doucuments Related to the Use of Homeland Security to Track Democrats' whereabouts.
DPS says it was following federal rules in destroying documents KELLEY SHANNON Associated Press

AUSTIN - A Texas Department of Public Safety commander ordered the destruction of all documents and photographs dealing with the search for Democratic state legislators who fled to Oklahoma to block a congressional redistricting bill.

The (destruction) order stated: "Any notes, correspondence, photos, etc. that were obtained pursuant to the absconded House of Representative members shall be destroyed immediately. No copies are to be kept. Any questions please contact me." L.C. "Tony" Marshall, commander of the DPS Special Crimes Service, signed the order.

"This was not a criminal matter, so we could not legally maintain that information," the DPS statement said, adding that retaining the information could have subjected the agency to a $10,000 fine. But state Rep. Kevin Bailey, a Houston Democrat and chairman of the House General Investigating Committee, said it appears that is true only for a federal investigation or an investigation funded by federal money.

"This investigation to find us ... should not have fallen under that criteria," said Bailey, one of last week's boycotting Democrats.

The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, part of the Department of Homeland Security, has said its air interdiction agency helped search for Laney's plane after receiving a call from a DPS official who made it seem as though the plane might have crashed. The agency did not find the aircraft.

In Washington, U.S. Rep. Max Sandlin, D-Marshall, said the regulation cited by DPS to defend the destruction restricts use of federal criminal intelligence systems to cases when there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. The Homeland Security Department said it helped DPS after being led to believe Laney's plane was in trouble, missing or had possibly crashed.

"It was never proper. It was never within the law. It was never within the regulation to use the system to start out with," Sandlin said.

Also congressional Democrats on the House floor Wednesday pushed again for more information from the Homeland Security Department. Some accused Republicans of using tax-supported, anti-terrorism agencies for political purposes.

"Misuse of federal law enforcement agencies for domestic political purposes. Sounds like Watergate in 1974 and Richard Nixon, doesn't it?," said Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Waco.

U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, a former Border Patrol chief, said "every single law enforcement officer knows and understands the consequences that go with the obstruction of justice, the consequences that go with lack of public trust," Reyes said.

Patriot Act used for more than anti-terror Justice report also reveals 50 secretly detained after 9/11 Dan Eggen, Washington Post Wednesday, May 21, 2003 Washington -- The Justice Department has used many of the anti-terrorism powers granted in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to pursue defendants for crimes unrelated to terrorism, including drug violations, credit card fraud and bank theft, according to a government accounting released Tuesday.… Although the Patriot Act was passed in response to Sept. 11, the report shows prosecutors have used many of the legislation's new powers to pursue cases not related to terrorism. The report cites a case in which prosecutors were able to use the Patriot Act to seize stolen funds that a fugitive lawyer had stashed in bank accounts in Belize. Similar tactics have been used in cases involving drugs, credit-card fraud, theft from a bank account and kidnapping, the report shows. MORE

Conservative Backlash Provisions of 'Patriot II' Draft Worry Those on Right By Dean Schabner March 12 - The opposite ends of the political spectrum are coming together over the war on terror, but not in the way Attorney General John Ashcroft may have wanted. The heart of the issue, according to conservatives, liberals and constitutional scholars, is the effect that USA Patriot has already had on issues of probable cause and due process, and that both of those concepts would be further eroded if the so-called Patriot II were adopted as it appears in the draft form.

According to what is in the draft, if adopted it would allow the Justice Department to wiretap a person for 15 days without a warrant; federal agents could secretly arrest people and provide no information to their family, the media or their attorney until charges are brought, no matter how long that took; and it would allow the government to strip Americans of their citizenship for even unknowingly helping a group that is connected to an organization deemed to be terrrorist.

It would also make it a crime for people subpoenaed in connection with an investigation being carried out under the Patriot Act to alert Congress to any possible abuses committed by federal agents.

There is also no "sunset provision," which constitutional scholars say removes the element of congressional oversight and means lawmakers would have no way of compelling the Justice Department to prove that the powers provided in the act have not been abused.

"I don't think the Fourth Amendment exists anymore," said Pyle, a professor of politics at Mount Holyoke College, referring to the amendment that prohibits unreasonable search and seizure and requires probable cause for a search or arrest. "I think it's been buried by the Patriot Act and some of the court rulings that have been handed down. We need a requiem mass for the Fourth Amendment, because it's gone."

Right-leaning groups such as the American Conservative Union, the Eagle Forum and Gun Owners of America say they are concerned that American citizens could also be victimized by what they say are unconstitutional law enforcement powers allowed by the Patriot and the potential enhancement act.

"Should the government be allowed to use complex software to find patterns of spending or patterns of activities to find out if someone has been committing illegal acts if there is no probable cause in the first place?" asked Ronald Kahn, a professor of politics and law at Oberlin College. "Patriot I and Patriot II open the door to that, and that means that everybody in the country is under suspicion.

"When you take away the notion of probable cause, everyone is under suspicion," he said.

The only positive thing that many of the measures' opponents see is the breadth of the opposition itself, which they hope will make legislators realize that civil liberties must be protected.

Fortress America MATTHEW BRZEZINSKI February 23, 2003
A national conversation is starting about what kind of country we want to live in and what balance we will tolerate between public safety and private freedom. The decisions won't come all at once, and we may be changing our minds a lot, depending on whether there are more attacks here, what our government tells us and what we believe.

Within a few years, America's counterterrorist agencies could have the kind of sweeping powers of arrest and interrogation that have developed in places like Israel, the Philippines and even France, where the constant threat of terrorism enabled governments to do virtually whatever it takes to prevent terrorism.

''As long as you worry too much about making false arrests and don't start taking greater risks,'' says Offer Einav, a 15-year Shin Bet veteran who now runs a security consulting firm, ''you are never going to beat terrorism.''

….Under the new bill -- titled the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 -- the government would not be required to disclose the identity of anyone detained in connection with a terror investigation, and the names of those arrested, be they Americans or foreign nationals, would be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act, according to the Center for Public Integrity, a rights group in Washington, which has obtained a draft of the bill. An American citizen suspected of being part of a terrorist conspiracy could be held by investigators without anyone being notified. He could simply disappear.

We may come to think nothing of American citizens who act suspiciously being held without bail or denied legal representation for indeterminate periods or tried in courts whose proceedings are under seal. At shopping malls and restaurants, we may prefer to encounter heavily armed guards and be subjected to routine searches at the door. We may be willing to give up the freedom and ease of movement that has defined American life, if we come to believe our safety depends upon it. (MORE)

US plans death camp 26may03
THE US has floated plans to turn Guantanamo Bay into a death camp, with its own death row and execution chamber.

Prisoners would be tried, convicted and executed without leaving its boundaries, without a jury and without right of appeal, The Mail on Sunday newspaper reported yesterday....

Telegraph man is first British reporter inside Camp Delta -David Rennie in Guantanamo Bay (Filed: 24/05/2003)
It is not horror that crushes your spirits when you enter the cells at Camp Delta. Instead, it is an absolute sense of defeat, of being hopelessly caught in a great steel machine, remorseless in its efficiency and patience….American military commanders have drawn up plans for a permanent terrorists' prison at the site, including a possible execution chamber.

Special military tribunals that could pass death sentences are expected to begin sitting this year, with defence lawyers asked to secure "secret-grade" security clearance.









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If Bush lied to the United Nations, the American people and Congress to gain support for war, his "witting effort to put American soldiers in harm's way, guaranteeing the deaths of some," is arguably an impeachable offense

"To put it bluntly, if Bush has taken Congress and the nation into war based on bogus information, he is cooked. Manipulation or deliberate misuse of national security intelligence data, if proven, could be 'a high crime' under the Constitution's impeachment clause. It would also be a violation of federal criminal law, including the broad federal anti-conspiracy statute, which renders it a felony 'to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose.'" -Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense? By John Dean

Lie - 1. To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. 2. To create a false or misleading impression. -- Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition

"There is a possibility that the fabrication of these documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at manipulating public opinion and foreign policy regarding Iraq." -Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia

"we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil." " -Paul Wolfowitz


Fake President Uses Fake Documents to Justify Fake War-Senator Seeks FBI Probe of Iraq Documents

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee asked the FBI on Friday (March 14) to investigate forged documents the Bush administration used as evidence against Saddam Hussein and his military ambitions in Iraq.

An investigation should "at a minimum help to allay any concerns" that the government was involved in the creation of the documents to build support for administration policies, Rockefeller wrote in a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Secretary of State Colin Powell has denied the U.S. government had any hand in creating the false documents. "It came from other sources," Powell told a House committee Thursday. "We were aware of this piece of evidence, and it was provided in good faith to the inspectors."

Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia asked the FBI to determine the source of the documents, the sophistication of the forgeries, the motivation of those responsible, why intelligence agencies didn't recognize them as forgeries and whether they are part of a larger disinformation campaign.

The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The documents indicated that Iraq tried to by uranium from Niger, the West African nation that is the third-largest producer of mined uranium, Niger's largest export. The documents had been provided to U.S. officials by a third country, which has not been identified.

Rockefeller said U.S. worries about Iraqi nuclear weapons were not based primarily on the documents, but "there is a possibility that the fabrication of these documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at manipulating public opinion and foreign policy regarding Iraq."

At a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing Thursday, Powell said the State Department had not participated "any way in any falsification." -Fri Mar 14, 3:12 PM ET By KEN GUGGENHEIM, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON

FBI Looks Into Fake Evidence on Iraq -The FBI is looking into the forgery of a key piece of evidence linking Iraq to a nuclear weapons program, including the possibility that a foreign government is using a deception campaign to foster support for military action against Iraq.

The phony documents -- a series of letters between Iraqi and Niger officials showing Iraq's interest in a laundry list of equipment that could be used to make nuclear weapons -- came to British and U.S. intelligence officials from a third country. The identity of the third country could not be learned yesterday.......- Dana Priest and Susan Schmidt - Washington Post Staff Writers - March 13, 2003

Special analysis: Iraq has fallen. Saddam is deposed. But, after 27 days of war, little else is resolved...Where are the weapons of mass destruction?….US now admits that intelligence material "proving" Iraq acquired fissile material from Africa was forged by a Western intelligence agency, possibly MI6 or Mossad

[Here's the fall guy "game". Mysterious country duped us all, oh well. THESE documents were used by the BUSH/BLAIR/POWELL group to Deceive the UN into Res 1441, and further Deception by POWELL before the UN explicitly. We can't IMPEACH Blair, but we can sure START with Powell and move up the Chain of Command. The American People demand the Truth and those who use forged documents to start a war should be help accountable for their actions! Editor, Take Back The Media]

In a June 10, 2003 letter to Condoleezza Rice, Congressman Henry Waxman asks: "Why did President Bush cite forged evidence about Iraq's nuclear capabilities in his State of the Union address?" Waxman points out that Rice's efforts to explain the notorious forged Niger documents haven't lined up with facts. Unless it can be cleared up, that issue alone shows the Bush administration deliberately misled the nation. (http://www.house.gov/reform/min/pdfs_108/pdf_inves/pdf_admin_iraq_nuclear_evidence_june_10_let.pdf)

republican majority leader, Trent Lott According to an Associated Press report, "majority Republicans in Congress brushed aside Democratic pleas for a formal investigation into the handling of intelligence on Iraq's weapons programs, saying Wednesday that routine oversight should suffice."

Democrats in Congress who think they'll accomplish more for the country by pretending lies are "intelligence failures" and appeasing Bush and his anti-democratic, neo-conservative administration are in denial. What's needed now is for the Democratic leadership and all Americans with conscience to get themselves informed enough to notice we're in another time of crisis.

The best way to do that is to acquire news from the wide variety and vast number of newspaper and magazine articles published on the Internet, and to visit the many quality political Internet web sites. As those of us who already get our news online know, you won't be adequately informed if you rely on TV news programs or a single newspaper for information about the damage the Bush cabal is doing and the extent of their manipulation. It would also be helpful for those of us who get our news online to pass it along to offline friends and others.

There are times we good, gentle liberals can sit in the Lotus position, just breathe, and send loving vibes to everybody. But there are other times the optimal thing is to get out there and (quoting Frederick Douglass) - "agitate, agitate, agitate." This is one of those "agitating" times. --06.07.03 -Carla Binion

The issue of Bush's lying should be framed around: 1. The fact that the Bush administration claimed it had absolute proof Saddam possessed WMD; that he was likely an imminent threat to the U.S.; and that this justified our preemptive (or preventive) attack on Iraq.
Thanks,  AES!
Order Your Deck of War Profiteers Cards Today!

2. The fact that this preemptive war was carried out based on intelligence information represented to Congress, the American public and the world as "incontrovertible proof" when, in fact, our leaders likely knew the information was false. (Today the administration has lowered the standard to "a preponderance of the evidence.")....

If we limit the discussion only to WMD, it will be too easy for the Bush administration to eventually find those weapons and pretend they "won" without addressing the most substantial questions.

It's not the WMD. It's the pattern of deliberate deception, the lying to Congress and the outrageous abuse and betrayal of the American people.

If it should turn out Bush knew he was giving false information to justify war, it would mean he misused the American military and obviously lied to U.S. soldiers and their families. Even if WMD are found some day, those lies won't be erased. -Binion

How Administration Lies Become Public Policy (As Reported by U.S.News and World Reports)....

On the evening of February 1, two dozen American officials gathered in a spacious conference room at the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Va. The time had come to make the public case for war against Iraq. For six hours that Saturday, the men and women of the Bush administration argued about what Secretary of State Colin Powell should--and should not--say at the United Nations Security Council four days later. Not all the secret intelligence about Saddam Hussein's misdeeds, they found, stood up to close scrutiny. At one point during the rehearsal, Powell tossed several pages in the air. "I'm not reading this," he declared. "This is bullshit."....

Just how good was America's intelligence on Iraq? Seven weeks after the end of the war, no hard evidence has been turned up on the ground to support the charge that Iraq posed an imminent threat to U.S. national security--no chemical weapons in the field, no Scud missiles in the western desert, no biological agents. At least not yet. As a result, questions are being raised about whether the Bush administration overstated the case against Saddam Hussein.....The question remains: What did the Bush administration know--or think it knew--on the eve of war?....Interviews with more than a dozen officials reveal that many pieces of intelligence--including information the administration had already cited publicly--did not stand up to scrutiny and had to be dropped from the text of Powell's U.N. speech.

Vice President Cheney's office played a major role in the secret debates and pressed for the toughest critique of Saddam's regime, administration officials say. The first draft of Powell's speech was written by Cheney's staff and the National Security Council. Days before the team first gathered at the CIA, a group of officials assembled in the White House Situation Room to hear Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, lay out an indictment of the Iraqi regime--"a Chinese menu" of charges, one participant recalls, that Powell might use in his U.N. speech.....

The team, at first, tried to follow a 45-page White House script, taken from Libby's earlier presentation. But there were too many problems--some assertions, for instance, were not supported by solid or adequate sourcing, several officials say. Indeed, some of the damning information simply could not be proved.

Veteran intelligence officers were dismayed. "The policy decisions weren't matching the reports we were reading every day," says an intelligence official. In September 2002, U.S. News has learned, the Defense Intelligence Agency issued a classified assessment of Iraq's chemical weapons. It concluded:

"There is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons . . . ."

At about the same time, Rumsfeld told Congress that Saddam's "regime has amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX, sarin, cyclosarin and mustard gas." Rumsfeld's critics say that the secretary tended to assert things as fact even when intelligence was murky. "What we have here is advocacy, not intelligence work," says Patrick Lang, a former top DIA and CIA analyst on Iraq.

Powell was so unimpressed with the information on al Qaeda that he decided to bury it at the end of his speech, according to officials. Even so, NSC officials kept pushing for Powell to include the charge that 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta had met with an Iraqi intelligence official in Prague. He refused.

Some 300 sites have been inspected so far; there are an additional 600 to go, and the list is growing, as captured Iraqis provide new leads. But what if those leads turn up nothing? "It would be," says a senior administration official, "a colossal intelligence failure." - U.S. World and News Report

It now appears that American intelligence on Iraq's weapons programs was sometimes sketchy, occasionally politicized, and frequently the subject of passionate disputes inside the government. Today, the CIA is conducting a review of its prewar intelligence, at the request of the House Intelligence Committee, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has conceded that Iraq may have destroyed its chemical weapons months before the war.

How the Administration Fabricates Lies to Include in its Reports....
As the Pentagon scours Iraq for weapons of mass destruction and Iraqi links to Al Qaeda, it's increasingly obvious that the Bush Administration either distorted or deliberately exaggerated the intelligence used to justify the war against Iraq.

According to current and former US intelligence analysts and government officials, the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans funneled information, unchallenged, from Ahmad Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress (INC) to Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, who in turn passed it on to the White House, suggesting that Iraqis would welcome the American invaders. The Office of Special Plans is led by Abram Shulsky, a hawkish neoconservative ideologue who got his start in politics working alongside Elliott Abrams in Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson's office in the 1970s. It was set up in fall 2001 as a two-man shop, but it burgeoned into an eighteen-member nerve center of the Pentagon's effort to distort intelligence about Iraq's WMDs and terrorist connections. A great deal of the bad information produced by Shulsky's office, which found its way into speeches by Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, came from Chalabi's INC. Since the INC itself was sustained by its neocon allies in Washington, including the shadow "Central Command" at the American Enterprise Institute, it stands as perhaps the ultimate example of circular reasoning.

Whitehouse "Central Command" Creates INC, with Ahmad Chalabi as head.Ahmad Chalabi Information from Chalabi...

Rummy given to Donald Rumsfeld...

Fake documents for Fake War!who makes it fit the administration's agenda!

Can you imagine how hacked off the folks in the Pentagon, who told Rumsfeld, Cheney and W it would be like this and they would need many more soldiers for peacekeeping, are today?

As this writer pointed out earlier, we have two different major examples of either mendacity or incompetence (or both) on the part of the administration.

He adds: Now, honestly folks, why is it that people want to vote for these guys?

[Link via MaxSpeak>http://www.maxspeak.org/gm/index.htm<]

Bartcop reviews the basics:
Doesn't anybody remember the lesson of Watergate - "Follow the money?" It all goes into the pockets of the people who stole the 2000 election..... bc,vol 1082

Yes, let's review the basics and look at the finacial windfalls that came to Bush the Lesser and his cronies because they told lies to start a war....

http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/21/opinion/21HERB.html?pagewanted=print&position= April 21, 2003

War - What Is it Good For? By BOB HERBERT
When the George Bushes and the George Shultzes were banging the drums for war with Iraq, we didn't hear one word from them about the benefits that would be accruing to corporate behemoths like Bechtel. And we didn't pay much attention to the grotesque conflict of interest engaged in by corporate titans and their government cronies who were pushing young American men and women into the flames of a war that ultimately would pour billions of dollars into a very select group of corporate coffers.

Now the corporations (not just Bechtel by any means) have a lock on Iraq, and U.S. taxpayers are obliged to pay the bill…..

The blatant war-mongering followed immediately by profiteering inevitably raise questions about the real reasons American men and women have been fighting and dying in Iraq. President Bush told us the war was about weapons of mass destruction and the need to get rid of the degenerate Saddam. There was also talk about democracy taking root in Iraq and spreading like spring flowers throughout the Arab world.

The two things that were never openly discussed, that never became part of the national conversation, were oil and money. Those crucial topics were left to the major behind-the-scenes operators, many of whom are now cashing in….

The favoritism, the secretive method by which the contracts are being awarded and the arrogant and unconscionable exclusion of the United Nations and even close U.S. allies from significant roles in the administration and reconstruction of Iraq all contribute to the most cynical interpretation of American motives.

The men and women who fought bravely in Iraq, for reasons they felt were noble and unassailable, deserve better.

Halliburton subsidiary wins Iraqi oil firefighting contract Tue Mar 25, 3:50 PM ET WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US army said it gave the main Iraqi oilwell firefighting contract to a unit of Halliburton Co., a firm once run by Vice President Dick Cheney, without any bidding

Topple the War Profiteers 04/20/2003 @ 6:47pm John Nichols …Recent days have brought news of the awarding of a contract worth up to $680 million to rebuild Iraqi roads, schools, sewers and hospitals damaged in the war.

Bechtel, which is jokingly referred to in business circles as Bushtel, donated $1.3 million to political candidates during the last two election cycles -- with most of it going into the coffers of Republican campaigns, including the 2000 Bush for President effort. Surely, Bechtel is an attractive target for a Congressional investigation of war profiteering--like those begun after World War I and during World War II…

if Congress is going to get serious about war profiteering, there is no better place to begin than the Texas-based Halliburton Corp. energy conglomerate that Vice-President Dick Cheney once headed. According to a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers released this week, a Pentagon contract given without competition to a Halliburton subsidiary to fight oil well fires in Iraq is worth as much as $7 billion over two years…. The federal government and the Pentagon have paid the firm tens of millions of dollars to build cells for detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. And the company is earning hundreds of millions as the exclusive logistics supplier for the Navy and the Army, providing services like cooking, construction, power generation and fuel transportation. The best accounting so far available suggests that, between October 2000 and March 2002, the government awarded (Halliburton subsidiary) Kellogg Brown & Root work worth more than $624 million.

Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil!

Oil was the main reason for military action against Iraq, a leading White House hawk has claimed, confirming the worst fears of those opposed to the US-led war.

The US deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz - who has already undermined Tony Blair's position over weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by describing them as a "bureaucratic" excuse for war - has now gone further by claiming the real motive was that Iraq is "swimming" in oil.....Asked why a nuclear power such as North Korea was being treated differently from Iraq, where hardly any weapons of mass destruction had been found, the deputy defence minister said: "Let's look at it simply. The most important difference between North Korea and Iraq is that economically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil."

His latest comments follow his widely reported statement from an interview in Vanity Fair last month, in which he said that "for reasons that have a lot to do with the US government
bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on: weapons of mass destruction."

Prior to that, his boss, defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, had already undermined the British government's position by saying Saddam Hussein may have destroyed his banned weapons before the war.

Mr. Wolfowitz is viewed as one of the most hawkish members of the Bush administration. The 57-year old expert in international relations was a strong advocate of military action against Afghanistan and Iraq. -Guardian of London

We are poor little sheep who have lost our way....

Bush uses "Psychological Warfare" against Americans, with full help from the Media. -www.counterpunch.com

One generally doesn't think of psychological warfare as something waged against the home population; but this is perhaps the best way to appreciate the US experience during the past few months. The objective of such a campaign was to stifle dissent, garner unquestioning support, and rally people around a common symbol. Americans, and to a lesser extent Europeans, have been subjected to a propaganda barrage in an effort to neutralize opposition to the war, and this fits directly into a psyops framework.

…Given that the war didn't have an accepted justification, the propagandists opted to stress the "support our troops" refrain, paralleling the "support our team" chant…. Presenting the war as a sports event enabled the propagandists to circumvent the thorny issue of why the US was so eager to engage in this war in the first place.

Propaganda highlights: The toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue the discovery of a "suicide-belt factory"--with the suicide outfits neatly hung in dry cleaner's plastic. The Pentagon (use of) embedded journalists…

NB: the Pentagon views the media as a "force multiplier". These journalists were stitched onto the military machine to sell its war, and perhaps unwittingly they became part of the machine…. For those seeking to avert future wars, there must be a realization that organizing marches or using the political process is not enough. Besides these means, it is essential to obtain independent media outlets, so that the power of the established media conglomerates may be challenged. This war exposed the corporate media networks as adopting a unified role in selling this war by shutting out dissent and beating the war drums. Such a media structure will not in itself challenge the new American Imperial role, and it has equally disturbing implications for democracy everywhere.

The Bush administration's unprecedented war on public information - and how the major news media are going along. -Camille T. Taiara

Here are the connections between CLEAR CHANNEL and the BUSH FAMILY….

There are close ties between Clear Channel and President Bush.

The Vice Chair of the company is Tom Hicks, a member of the Bush Pioneer club for elite (and generous) donors. The relationship between Bush and Hicks goes back even further, however. The two were embroiled in scandal when Hicks, as University of Texas Regent, was responsible for granting endowment management contracts of the newly created (under legislation signed by Bush) UT Investment Management Co. (UTIMCO). The contracts were given to firms politically connected to both Hicks and Bush, including the Carlyle Group - a firm which has the first President Bush on the payroll and had the second one on the payroll until just weeks before receiving this lucrative business.

The board of UTIMCO also included the Chair of Clear Channel, L. Lowry Mays. In addition, Hicks purchased the Texas Rangers from George Bush, making him a wealthy man through a deal that was partially sweetened by a shiny new taxpayer financed stadium, which included valuable land obtained at below market rates through the use of eminent domain.

Whether or not the close ties between the radio behemoth Clear Channel and the president have anything to do with their rallying support for his policies is unclear. If it were a small company it would not much matter. But Clear Channel is a media giant, dominating the radio and promotion industries. The potential for the alignment of big media and the government should concern us all, especially as FCC Chair Michael Powell continues to push to reduce the barriers to even further media consolidation.

.Media lies and war crimes: the instructive case of Julius Streicher
Eleven leading members of Hitler's Third Reich were sentenced to death for their role in instigating a world war that claimed the lives of tens of millions of people as a result of military slaughter and death camps.

There was one man sent to the scaffold, his name was Julius Streicher. Streicher was convicted for promoting aggressive war and atrocities against the Jews in his newspapers-the vile anti-Semitic weekly Der Stürmer, and later a daily, Fränkische Tageszeitung. The court found that this propaganda for war and genocide made the newspaper publisher more culpable than many of those defendants who were more directly involved in the workings of the Nazi regime.

The historic crimes of that regime, the tribunal found, could never have been carried out without the preparatory work he and others like him did in warping the public consciousness of the German people with a relentless barrage of anti-Semitic and militarist propaganda. As the prosecution stated at Nuremberg: "Without him the Kaltenbrunners, the Himmlers, the General Stroops would have had nobody to carry out their orders."

What of those who play an analogous role to that of Julius Streicher today? The American media has worked as an essential instrument of the Bush administration in deceiving and terrorizing the American people in preparation for war. In many cases-Fox News, the Wall Street Journal editorial pages and countless barking commentators on both network and cable talk shows-they have approached the degraded level of Der Stürmer in promoting an invasion of Iraq and justifying mass murder.

The media as a whole, with very few exceptions, has obediently turned itself into an extension of the Pentagon's propaganda machine, serving as a conduit for psychological warfare against both Iraqis and Americans. The scoundrels who control what passes for news in the US have parroted all of the administration's lying justifications for war, celebrated its onset, and censored the images of carnage and suffering that are being seen throughout the rest of the world. They share a major portion of guilt for this illegal act.

The FCC Has Acted, Will We?
Will media become an ongoing political issue or remain a complaint? Will activists organize around it, move on the media and press the press, or just resign themselves that media companies can do what they will.

The challenge to all of us is: Will we get involved to demand a higher level of restraint over media monopolies and more accountability and responsibility by media companies? Will we inform ourselves about media issues and realize that our cultural environment needs protecting just as our natural one does.

The airwaves are going, going, going. Will we all wake up before they are totally gone?


Theodore Roosevelt "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else" - Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States.

"There ought to be limits to freedom." --G.W. Bush, Press conference, Texas State House, 1999.

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." --G.W.Bush, December 18, 2000

"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it." - George W. Bush, July 26, 2001

"You can fool some of the people, all of the time -- and those are the ones you have to concentrate on." -George W. Bush, 2001

"Who cares what you think?" --George W. Bush, July 4, 2001

"I do not need to explain why I say things." -George Bush, From an interview conducted by Bob Woodward, 20 November 2002

"fas-cism (fash'iz'em) n. A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism."

carlyle connections, the numbers refer to rank in campaign contributuions

Through the 1930s Hitler and Roosevelt chose very different courses to bring their nations back to power and prosperity.

Germany (used) government to empower corporations and reward the society's richest individuals, privatize much of the commons, stifle dissent, strip people of constitutional rights, and create an illusion of prosperity through continual and ever-expanding war.

America passed minimum wage laws to raise the middle class, enforced anti-trust laws to diminish the power of corporations, increased taxes on corporations and the wealthiest individuals, created Social Security, and became the employer of last resort through programs to build national infrastructure, promote the arts, and replant forests.

To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours….

The War's Dirty Secret: It's About Changing United States, Not Iraq

Much to her surprise, the federal government is promising to do everything Los Angeles
Congresswoman Maxine Waters has spent years fighting for.

Education for the neediest souls will be transformed, quality health care will be guaranteed, damaged roadways and bridges will be rebuilt, and millions of dollars will be spent to spur new business.

Waters just never figured the beneficiaries would be residents of Iraq….There's a dirty secret no one has told you, and here it is: This war is not about changing Iraq, it's about changing America.

If you don't earn enough to hit the jackpot on President Bush's proposed tax cuts, you're just going to have to fend for yourself. The whole idea is to train you to expect less and to feel patriotic about it.

If things get really bad, you can always move to Iraq.

The world according to Bush - William P. Pfaff, a syndicated columnist. 4/19/2003 The Bush administration wants a new international regime of democratic coalitions, which it says would possess a legitimacy the UN lacks and could deal expeditiously and effectively with threats to international order. Colin Powell says US interventions would come only on international request or when US interests are directly involved. But Colin Powell is not a neo-conservative…. Put simply, the Bush administration envisages a world run by the United States, backed by as many states as will sign on to support it.


Tide turns against Bush -THOMAS WALKOM
The Iraq crisis is no longer about stopping Iraq. It is about stopping the United States.

This is the real significance of what is going on now at the United Nations, of the peace marches around the world, of the political turmoil that rocks staunchly pro-U.S. leaders such as Britain's Tony Blair and Australia's John Howard.

Most countries outside the U.S. are no longer worried about rogue Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. They are worried about rogue American President George W. Bush.

The Bush administration has plans for nothing less than world empire - and feels so emboldened right now because it is succeeding so well, and so completely beneath the radar of American public awareness. They've taken Bill Clinton's plan for destroying Al Qaeda and turned it into an instrument for establishing military control over the Caspian Sea oil reserves of Central Asia. No real assistance for Afghan nation building seems forthcoming, but military bases by the dozen are being built to guard oil and gas pipeline routes. This has been thoroughly, if gently, reported by some of our more responsible media sources, such as the LA Times and ABC's Nightline. --Kent Southard (You might have to scroll down the page to read the piece)



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Harley Sorensen: Why mince words? These are the facts:

1) President George W. Bush is a liar.

2) Secretary of State Colin Powell is a liar.

3) Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is a liar.

4) National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is a liar.

To the above facts we might add these:There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, none were there when our war against Iraq began, and none will be found unless we plant them there.

These are the conclusions one could reasonably reach after reading California Congressman Henry Waxman's web site, the section about forged documents used as a justification for war.

One might also conclude that Waxman has found the smoking gun that could -- and should -- bring down the corrupt Bush Administration.

But, observing the events in Congress last Wednesday, one might conclude further that the Republicans in Congress, by blocking the call for a decent investigation, intend to do their best to see that the Bush Gang is never brought to account for its lying ways….

Sleep On, Sleep On, In The B43 Matrix
--Christine, 06.22.03

The common Republican in the street, the common Republican on the farm and the ranch, the common Republican working in the factory or in the service sector is not and will not benefit from the policies of the cabal in Washington D.C.

The common Republican is simply the latest dupe in the con of a one-party system masquerading as two. Politics is the art of persuasion and modern propaganda is the science of mass persuasion. The FCC has ruled so as to concentrate the access to the technology of mass persuasion.

The cabal has persuaded many citizens to follow a war policy for the most shoddy of reasons understanding that nothing brings a social group together like an external threat; and clearly understanding that the leader who challenges the threat - more or less successfully - will be viewed as the horse to bet on.

The cabal has persuaded many citizens that legislation and Executive Orders clearly and unabashedly aimed at dismantling the social services infrastructure of national and state government by wreaking national economic havoc is in their immediate best interest. The slop from the tax cut isn't going to return the economy to any form of health. Unfortunately too many people have too much debt and as interest rates begin to rise during the initial 'recovery' the debt will start to crush the common Republican.

The cabal is attempting to redraw congressional districts in Texas simply to increase the Republican majority in the U.S. House. Including such districts as one that will stretch in a slender strip from Austin to the Mexico border - some 280 miles.

The cabal has largely deleted the global warming assessment from its own EPA report on the state of the environment.

The cabal, largely populated by people who claim to think the government can not do anything right, trust it to not take innocent lives via the death penalty. B43 was the killingest governor in the history of Texas, and could well oversee more federal executions than any President in history.

The cabal has now destabilized Afghanistan and Iraq and has not evinced interest in committing the resources needed to rebuild those areas and give them a serious opportunity to develop anything other than an increased distrust and disdain for the U.S.

Please understand that B43 and the cabal are not here to take care of you and make your lives more comfortable and secure. Their interest is in using your energy to fuel the continued accumulation of power and material wealth by the cabal.

This is no conspiracy theory, simply a summary of facts available to all of you. Wake up or sleep on fitfully in the Matrix of B43! -MORE

the lowe down - George's little antics Kevin Lowe
I f you stayed up late enough to watch the announcement of the start of the war in Iraq, you might have caught a glimpse of something very unsettling. In an apparent error, the BBC aired coverage of pre-speech preparations, live from the satellite feed coming from the Oval Office.

The footage was the most disturbing thing on television in some time.

Like some class clown trying to get attention from the back of the room, Bush started mugging for his handlers. His eyes darted back and forth impishly as he cracked faces at others around him. He pumped a fist and self-consciously muttered, "feel good," which was interestingly sanitized into the more mature and assertive, "I'm feeling good" by the same Washington Post.

He was goofing around, and there's only one way to interpret that kind of behaviour just seconds before announcing war on Iraq: the man is an idiot.

Europeans have known this about Bush since he was Governor of Texas. They've always known it, because it is so absolutely obvious, that the man who dodged military service, who laughs at death penalty pleas for mercy, who didn't know where Iraq was two years ago, is less than a fit leader.

And they cannot understand how Americans have been led to the brink of disaster by this talentless scion, this lackadaisical lily-dipper. This idiot.

Bush the Clown

How can you have respect for a nation that follows such a man? How can you sit by while he and his cronies decimate the constitution, rape the economy, declare real war on an enemy of dubious threat and declare diplomatic war on your best friends?

How do you let his administration systematically disparage and even arrest any dissenters, thereby ensuring they are forever marked for special treatment by the machinations of "homeland security?"

Slate called him the closest we've ever been to a world dictator in a long time, probably since Caesar.

Sometimes, maybe it really is better to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. -Kevin Lowe is a Canadian expatriate living in Amsterdam.

Conyers holds meeting to discuss impeaching Bush

A Letter From moveon.org
The President took the nation to war based on his assertion that Iraq posed an imminent threat to our country. Now the evidence that backed that assertion is falling apart. Richard Butler, the chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq in the 1990s and a supporter of the war, recently wrote, "Clearly a decision had been taken to pump up the case against Iraq." (1)

If the Bush administration distorted intelligence or knowingly used false data to support the call to war, it would be an unprecedented deception. Even if weapons are now found, it'll be difficult to justify pre-war language that indicated that the exact location of the weapons was known and that they were ready to deploy at a moment's notice. With a crisis of credibility brewing abroad and the integrity of our President and our foreign policy on the line, we need answers now. Please ask Congress to establish an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the distortion of evidence right now, at: http://www.moveon.org/distortion/ On March 17th, in the eve of the Iraq war, President Bush told the American people that "intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." (2) White House spokesperson Ari Fleischer said simply, "We know for a fact that there are weapons there." (3) And Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld elaborated: "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." (4) Now, after two months of searching by the most skilled teams in the military, not a single piece of solid evidence of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons programs in Iraq has been found. The top 87 sites identified by U.S. Central Command have turned up only vacuum cleaners, a swimming pool for Iraq's Olympic team, and a license plate factory. (5)

Officials in the CIA and other intelligence agencies have complained for months that they have been under pressure to "cook the books" on Iraq intelligence. (6) Worse, a number of the key pieces of evidence that the Bush administration has released have come unraveled:

The President's State of the Union claim that Iraq possessed an active nuclear program was based on fraudulent documents that included the forged signature of an official that weren't even in office at the time. (7)

The dossier that Prime Minister Blair and Secretary Powell relied upon in critical presentations turned out to have been partially plagiarized from a graduate student's paper from 12 years ago. (8)

The claim that Iraq could launch weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes, first made by Prime Minister Tony Blair, now appears to have been fabricated. (9)

The administration's claim that two tractor trailer trucks found in Iraq housed "mobile weapons labs" has now been disputed by numerous experts inside and outside of the military. An official British investigation has concluded that the trailer trucks were "exactly what the Iraqis said they were -- facilities for the production of hydrogen gas to fill balloons." (10)

A President may make no more important decision than whether or not to take a country to war. If Bush and his officials deceived the American public to create support for the Iraq war, they need to be held accountable. Join the call now at http://www.moveon.org/distortion

Sincerely, --Carrie, Eli, Joan, Peter, Wes, and Zack The MoveOn Team June 16th, 2003 (the links to the footnotes are live at the MOVE ON web site)


Security, Secrecy and a Bush Brother (scroll down the page to story) By Margie Burns
A company that provided security at the World Trade Center, Washington D.C.'s Dulles International Airport and United Airlines between 1995 and 2001 was backed by a private Kuwaiti-American investment firm whose records were not open to full public disclosure, with ties to the Bush family.

Marvin P. Bush, a younger brother of George W. Bush, was a principal in the company from 1993 to 2000, when most of the work on the big projects was done. But White House responses to 9/11 have not publicly disclosed the company's part in providing security to any of the named facilities.

From a purely business or political perspective, stonewalling might be understandable. But from the perspective of the victims' families or of the public, it looks odd. This is the White House we're talking about. In all the public expressions of sorrow or pity for the victims, it would have been natural, surely, for the president to say something along the lines of "Why, my own brother was part of that business. He and all of us are heartbroken" etc etc. But such comment has not been forthcoming. He might even have said, "My own relatives, if they had any transactions that might have any connection at all with the individuals involved, will turn over every record" etc. But that statement has also not been uttered. -Margie Burns is a Texas native who now writes from Washington, D.C.

The world according to Bush -William P. Pfaff, a syndicated columnist. -4/19/2003-
The Bush administration wants a new international regime of democratic coalitions, which it says would possess a legitimacy the UN lacks and could deal expeditiously and effectively with threats to international order. Colin Powell says US interventions would come only on international request or when US interests are directly involved. But Colin Powell is not a neo-conservative…. Put simply, the Bush administration envisages a world run by the United States, backed by as many states as will sign on to support it.

Its stated intention is to maintain an overwhelming military advantage and do its level best to prevent other states from creating nuclear or other deterrent systems. It intends, where feasible, to disarm those already in possession of nuclear weapons. North Korea is a candidate for imminent preemptive disarmament.

Washington doesn't want any government in a position to check it through international institutions or legal opposition, which is why the UN has to go. Otherwise, the only obstacles to neo-conservative Washington's freedom of action (other than Chinese and Russian nuclear forces) would be Europe's economic power and potential political unity, and even there the American advantage is large, although not decisive.

Washington says that victory in Iraq was the first step in making a new Middle East and a new world order. There probably will be more resistance to both ambitions than it currently expects. -William P. Pfaff

Who is Osama bin Laden? Osama bin Laden and the terror networks of the region are creations of the United States and its CIA-and continue to serve the geostrategic purposes of the United States government, which directly and indirectly controls their operations.

US planned war in Afghanistan long before September 11 By Patrick Martin 20 November 2001

911 Archives

They're being brought up to date even as we speak!

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Panel backs legalizing pot in Canada Report says it’s less harmful than alcohol By DeNeen L. Brown THE WASHINGTON POST

"The attorney general of the United States ordered a raid on a medical marijuana hospice not because he had to, but because he possessed both the will and the power to do so. A Congress and a country preoccupied with many other concerns barely noticed." -Ethan A. Nadelmann, Alternet