The Journeyman's Home

So why are you here?

I realize you probably don't want to know the details of my life. As you are reading this, I am most likely planning my next adventure. Traveling is in my blood, especially to places that are off the beaten track. Sadly, one of the downsides of a globalization is that these 'unconventional' places are becoming harder and harder to find. There are many that still do exist, however.

The Journeyman's Tales...

In the tea plantations in Southern Malawi
Upon hearing of my adventures upon my return from these exotic places, friends have told me that I should write stories about my travels. Here's a sampling of the stories from places I've been (since August 1992):

NOTE: (Many of the above sites may be under construction.)

At the tea plantations in extreme southern
Malawi with Mount Mulanje in the background

A favor to ask...

I'd love to hear your best travel stories, especially if they involve danger, mayhem, or adventure. Please drop me a story. No tales about trips to grandma's house in Florida or high school band trips to often-plodded European capitals, please, unless they involve some sort of unconventional angle. If you want some tamer tales, check out Rick Steve's homepage.

If you want to write, give me something with an edge. But at least make it sound reasonably true, so it keeps my thirst for more adventure alive...

Some cool links:

Home | About Me | My Resume

Africa | E. Europe | E. Asia | Islands | India | S.E. Asia | W. Europe

Christopher Harris, Redondo Beach, California U.S.A.

Write and let me know your traveling tale.

This page was last modified on October 30, 1998