To My Littlest Angel
Even though Grandma never got to see you,
or hold you to give you love
when God called you to His Home
you will always be here in my heart.
I will love you forever my Littlest Angel!
May Jesus and the Angels be forever
by your side.
With all my love, Grandma Stella

This is a Memorial for my Littlest Angel, Cameron Caley,
which left us all too soon. He was my first grandchild, by
my oldest daughter Veronica.

I will never understand this Loving God, why He gives us such
a special gift and let's us have dreams and make plans for a
little bundle of joy, as he would of been.
Then God jerks him away from us just as fast as He gave
the blessings of this new little one to us.

Veronica was going into her 6th month when she lost Cameron.
She had had no complications. As a matter of fact she had gone
through 2 ultra sounds recently and was told everything looked fine.
It was her last ultra-sound we found out the baby would be a boy.

I'll never forget how excited I was at the news when she typed
across the screen, "Are you ready to be Grandma?"
I had never really given much thought about being Grandma,
especially since both my girls are still single.

But on July 26th, I got the dreaded phone call. There would be
no grandson. She was having a miscarriage and the dr was going
to let her go through full labor. He had told her he didn't hold
out any hope that Cameron would live even if he came out breathing.

All I could do was pray for a miracle that the Dr was wrong! But,
I guess this miracle wasn't meant to be. The dr had no explantion
about what happened. They could only say, "These things just happen".

I do not live close enough to my girls to be able to be there physically
for them. This in itself is very painful, not being able to be there
to grieve with them together, as a family.

Cameron Caley, you are Grandma's Littlest Angel now. I will never be
be able to hold you in my arms and let you know how much I love you.
I had so many plans for you. I had dreams of how much fun
we were gonna have, watching you grow up right before our eyes
into a big strong man like you daddy is. I don't know why God felt
He needed you more than we did.

I hope you have met your Grandfather and your Uncle Jay. I hope
Heaven has a fishing pond, as I can picture the three of you there.
Maybe you have even met the rest of your family that God called home before you.

I don't know what the future holds for your mommy and daddy Cameron but
I do know you will never be forgotten. We love you and we will miss you terribly.
Sleep in peace our Littlest Angel, with all our love, your family.

Yesterday was
such a beautiful day
I wish it could have lasted forever,
But today all I hold is............
yesterday's memories.
Tomorrow will only be
Todays' dreams. Oh why must beautiful things
be ruined.......
By time?

Author: Stormy Gale

Silent Footprints

We never had the chance to play, to laugh, to rock, to wiggle.
We long to hold you, touch you now And listen to you giggle.

I'll always be your mother. He'll always be your dad.
You will always be our child, The child we never had.

But now you're gone.. but yet you're here.
We'll sense you everywhere. You are our sorrow and our joy.
There's love in every tear.

Just know our love goes deep and strong We'll forget you never.
The child we had, but never had, And yet will have forever.

Author: (c) Christie Michael All Rights Reserved

Veronica came across the above Poem on the net and asked if I
would include this on my page. I would like to say I have tried
emailing the author to get permission but her email bounced back.
If by chance anyone knows the author I'd appreciate her contacting me.

NOTE: I do not claim ownership of the Jesus graphics. If you are the owner please contact me so I can give proper credit or remove them at your request.