You were my First Little Angel
Few understand how special you are
For the lives that you touched you meant so much
The ones that can't acknowledge your life
are not very nice, they should think twice
I felt you grow, you gave me a glow
The day that you left me I felt so sad
my little darling so did your dad
You were only here a short time
but I sure loved you for you were mine
The day I meet God,
I will thank him for my Little Angel above
Not everyone has an Angel to Love
My special friend has an Angel too
There are only a few blessed with an
Angel like you.

I Love You

(c) Del Lillibridge All Rights Reserved

Thank you Strawberry for your thoughtfulness and prayers.

My First Little Angel


Do you know how hard it is
To hold a baby who doesn't cry?
Do you know how hard it is
To tell that baby goodbye?

Do you know how hard it is
To look at an empty bed?
Knowing your child should be there
Resting her sleepy head?

Do you know how hard it is
Feeling that you're to blame?
And no matter what they tell you
You'll always feel the same

Do you know the heartache
Knowing he's gone for good?
And feeing that you didn't do
all the things you could

Do you know how hard it is
To hear that it's Gods will?
Do you know the emptiness
When your child is born still?


Thank you Sandi for the lovely gift and the prayers.


Even though you are out of my sight
I do nothing but wander around
Searching for a clue
Trying to figure out what happened
And wondering what I should do

I ask the Heavens above to forgive me
Oh please Lord, what have I done
It's so hard for me to face the day
Because you were still my son

I Love and Miss You,

(c) Lynne Lee All Rights Reserved

Thank you for this lovely gift and all your prayers.

We never had the chance to play, to laugh, to rock, to wiggle.
We long to hold you, touch you now And listen to you giggle.

I'll always be your mother. He'll always be your dad.
You will always be our child, The child we never had.

But now you're gone.. but yet you're here.
We'll sense you everywhere. You are our sorrow and our joy.
There's love in every tear.

Just know our love goes deep and strong We'll forget you never.
The child we had, but never had, And yet will have forever.


Debbie, thank you so very much for your kindness!

Tom and Jacque, what can I say that you haven't
already heard? Thank you so much for the friendship
we share and for spending hrs talking with me.
I love you both dearly!

Thank you Marianne for the prayers.

Thank you very much Jen for your thoughtfulness and prayers.

Lori, thank you sooo much for this lovely gift.
Thank you also for all your support during this difficult time.

This page is made for my daughter, Veronica.
The gifts and prayers are from many of my online friends
for you Veronica.

I love you very much kiddo and I pray God will in some way comfort
and guide you through this grief.

NOTE: I do not claim ownership of the Jesus graphics. If you are the owner please contact me so I can give proper credit or remove them at your request.