Chakra Number 5 is called Visuddha which means purification. It
is located at the area of the throat. Its function is related to
communication and creativity. The glands that it affects are the
thyroid and parathyroid. The other body parts related to the 5th chakra
are the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.
The sense associated with it is hearing. For chanting, the sound used
to stimulate the 5th chakra is Ham. The element for this chakra is sound.
The verb associated with the 5th chakra is "I speak. When this chakra malfunctions, physical problems include sore throat, stiff
neck, colds, thyroid problems, and hearing problems.
The color associated with the 5th chakra is bright blue. The gemstone
is turquoise. Herbs are frankincense and benzoin. Food related to the
5th chakra is fruit.
Animals mentioned in connection with this chakra are the elephant, the
bull, and the lion. The planets are Mercury and Neptune.
A yoga posture that is excellent for opening the 5th chakra is
Lie on your back with your legs outstretched and your feet together.
Slide your arms under your back with your hands resting palms down (your buttocks is resting on your hands) and your elbows as close together as possible. It's important that your elbows are pressing down on the floor and not pointing out. They need to be pointing down.
Press your heels away from your hips.
Push down on your elbows and lift your chest off the floor putting your weight on your elbows. At first, the whole upper part of your body is lifted off the ground.
Now, very carefully, allow your head to bend backwards, until the crown of the head lightly touches the ground. There is an arch in your back and your chest and neck are stretched open. Some of the weight is balanced on your head and some on your buttocks and legs and feet. The elbows aren't your major support now. Some people even bring their arms up and rest the hands on the chest in a prayer position with the fingers pointing up.
Hold the posture as your breathe into your throat and chest. Feel the opening in your throat and chest as you breathe. Your chest is floating on a cushion of air.
When you are ready to release the posture, press your sitz bones firmly down and bring your weight back onto your elbows (the weight had shifted to your the crown of your head a little). Raise your head up carefully so it is in line with your torso. Then lower the whole torso onto the floor....moving your arms out from underneath you. And your head is the last to be let down onto the floor.
Take time to relax and receive the benefits of this posture. Close your eyes and release all the holding in your body.
Other yoga postures might include neck rolls and shoulder stands.
In yoga and meditation, one of my favorite activities for centering is chanting. This most definitely is a 5th chakra activity. And of all the yoga classes I have attended, the ones I like least are the ones we have done in total silence (even though it is "in loving silence").
However, silence is also a 5th chakra activity. It does focus on sound, but the absense of sound. It makes me appreciate sound even more when we are no longer silence.
Since e-mail and signing my guestbook would be a 5th chakra activity, I invite you to do that now. Let's find ourselves through communication.
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