CONNECTION I met her online and I was taken by who she was, a lovely faceless someone, Her words touching deep in my Heart and Soul And she lived in a magical place, stepping out on the phone lines sometimes, staying mostly within her world of cats and connifers, of starlit skies and lazy dog afternoons I would never visit the Woman online, her paradise, and she knew she would never come to mine yet, in a brief moment we found a thing, a clearer beauty, a sharing, along a common line And, as we parted we knew our Hearts would cross again, another handle, another service, a future time, and there would come a spark, a magical rainbow curved across somewhere back there, a smidge of a thought, something gained, maybe lost, now quietly found again And the Woman and I would pretend we hadn't met before, and keep our chat brief and courteous and witty for fear we could actually realize or that we might sacrifice that next safe extension reserved exclusively for us. ********* THE KEYRING A keyring came in the mail today not an ordinary one seen to hold the common things that unlock other common things On its chain hangs a Valentine topped with reflecting rainbows, mirrors of the sender's heart . . .and from its silver locking ring there dangles a Magical Key no other eyes but mine can see Above the range of common things I'm blest by my invisible Key, it moves the tumblers of a far-off heart and sets them all in line, it frees the hostaged qualities there locked long in bygone time And every day the myriad faces inside my Valentine, they call to me to shoot my Sagittarian arrow, come, follow its magic flight, heart across the horizon to a place of Mystery and Light. ********* WOMAN AT DENNY'S (a better Lover) It was her wide easy smile that caught my eye She was a poem having breakfast with joy and laughter and hope her eyes cradled the passion of her soul And, though she didn't smile for me still, I fell in Love all over again and, for a moment, I envied the proteges feeling the cool-fire of her aura And I made myself a promise then I will make my Lover smile that way for me again ********* ANCIENT TREMORS We should have died then mother and me when the ground shook and tilted and cracked nearly spilling us and all our woven histories into some eternal nowhere heaven only knows where I remember mother's kitchen spotless and all the childhood aromas tugging at my nose skillet-fried chicken steaming red onions mother's kitchen- where great and heavy things got decided and created and I remember the first deep tremors, how they grew by milliseconds grew until mother and me fell like frozen trees to heaving lineoleum and were forced by large moving objects to scamper away to the living room to safety between the sofa and the great oak coffee table I remember putting my arm around mother's short round body and the other over her small, gray head just like she held me when I was six and the lead-pipe bully down the block decided to teach me a lesson ********* AFFIRMING THE JOURNEY When I am dying I shall try not to set a date and a time for my last breath I shall not want to suffer the waiting agonies before death's gate and throw my loved ones into those limbos I shall visit the city of Light I built while here on Earth a place of wellness and no pain no sadness and tears I will see the children playing in the fields with the greatest beasts and the smallest creatures and there will be no boundaries there I will see the forests thriving and the oceans diamond clear the heavens are the bluest and I'll see my friends who have journeyed there I will take that last step gladly not waiting for events or arrivals or departures sensing in my heart it is a time for joy a time for celebration. ********* THE BACK FENCE The still-frame he sees is as tranquil as yesterday's now long forgotten, no memories that weep or bring joy, just this moment sharpened by earth-memory Something stirs in a small corner of his sensory silence and the Cat tenses to do battle with fiery autumn leaves, marauding intruders pouncing down on him intent on taking his perfect lookout, his sacred grounds. ********* HELPERS The men ride their conversation through city streets going someplace and the woman rides her tears through memories going someplace else healing. ********* DARK PRINCE How is it we can know each other so well and not be friends at all Pain? As if I did you some great wrong some way Pain you are paying me back minute by long agonizing second And, no! you are no friend of mine Pain when I cannot even think straight and all my groundings are stolen by moments (Universal Dark Prince, you are not kind. When you hurt the body the mind can hurt others and when you hurt the mind the body can hurt others.) It is all I can do to record your dirty tricks here Pain as you rob me of focus and eat away at the core of each thought (and my stomach lining, too, as I fight you) Pain, I know we are of each other and I try to accept and be one with you but, listen up old Painman when you are the neediest there is only malice in my heart for you It is then Pain that you are truly a royal pain in the. . . . . .nether cheeks. *** . . .he's gone now, but I wanted to expose him in the act. ********* SKINS Why do you want to wear my jeans? to get into my skin? to feel what it's like to be me? My skin won't let you in There's no room I'm stretched as tight as can be A second skin to you? to hold you breathless? I don't think so You won't even be able to open a pocket so tell me why do you want into my skin? Away in a bottom drawer where cobwebs cling giving testimony to absences and dried insects are stuck in sticky strands I exclaim look, look here and you cannot hear my thoughts A big fly lands on shirts stacked in a corner of the drawer I do not interfere with that fate my eyes land on a pair of gray slacks time keels backward visions and memories stretched tight around your sweet lines that never walked naked into any street Outside the sun warms windows and alleyways Your long shirt hid a broken zipper Can you get a ticket for wearing broken pants on Primrose Lane? City echoes called us a day on a town with no name It was good to walk by your side Seperate and equal wearing our own jeans. *********